Substation Resiliency

Grid resilience framework and metrics have been of industry focus as extreme weather events are occurring more frequently and the threat of man-made physical and cyber security grows.  Substations are critical components to the overall grid. Substation Resiliency will look at resiliency framework and metrics for substations and how they impact overall grid resiliency.

To learn more & get involved, please check out the Substations Committee Website. Substation Committee has formed a Study Group to discuss and draft scope/purpose of new Project Authorization Request (PAR) to create Working Group to create a Guide for Substation Resiliency. 

Active Committees/Task Forces of Interest

To learn more & get involved, please check out the Substations Committee Website

Substation Committee has formed a Study Group to discuss and draft scope/purpose of new Project Authorization Request (PAR) to create Working Group to create a Guide for Substation Resiliency. 
