Chapters Overview

PES Chapters

A PES Chapter is a technical sub-unit of one or more IEEE Sections and it consists of PES members who share technical interests and geographical proximity. Chapters provide PES members with the opportunity to meet and learn from fellow IEEE members. An active chapter can be one of the most positive elements of being an IEEE PES member by offering programs, activities, professional networking, special events/conference, etc. It provides valuable opportunities to network at a local level, enabling their personal and professional growth.

A PES Chapter can also be affiliated with an IEEE Student Branch. An active Student Branch Chapter can be one of the most positive elements at a college or university. You have the opportunity to meet and learn from fellow IEEE student members and engage with professional IEEE members locally.

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As of January 2023, PES has 800+ global chapters made up of Professional Chapters and Student Branch Chapters. Involvement with a PES chapter is a great way to get the most out of your membership at a local level.

Find a PES chapter near you

From Seattle to Singapore, PES chapters are found across the globe. Use our Chapter Locator tool to find a PES chapter near you.

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Check out! The calendar of upcoming chapter events

PES Chapters Council

Reporting to the PES Governing Board (GB) through the Regional Representatives, a PES Chapters Council may be formed to facilitate PES activities in a country or geographic region. This committee is formed by the chapters to do only those delegated tasks that can be best done together as a single group rather than individual chapters. These tasks include, but are not limited to, coordinating activities related to membership and conferences as well as identifying opportunities for standards development. These tasks are reviewed and overseen by the Regional Representatives for that specific country/ geographic region.

Upon the recommendation of the PES Vice President – Chapters and Membership, the PES Governing Board shall approve the formation of a PES Chapters Councils. The Chair of a council shall be appointed by the PES Vice President – Chapters and Members (or their designee) and approved by the PES Governing Board. The Chair may serve a two-year term, with the ability to serve two consecutive terms if reappointed. All current PES Chapter Chairs in the country/geographic region are ex-officio members of the PES Chapters Council and will serve in this role in accordance with their terms of office as Chapter Chair.

The PES Chapters Council may provide the PES Governing Board with proposals related to their tasks; however they cannot conduct business, nor can they make business decisions, on behalf of the society. PES Chapters Councils are encouraged to communicate and provide guidance and support to localized committees of the society that may exist in the country/geographic region. 

As of January 2023, PES established following PES Chapters Councils.