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About Publications
IEEE Power & Energy Society produces leading material for distributing the latest power and energy industry knowledge through the following publications: magazines, IEEE PES Transactions, PES Letters, and the IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy (OAJPE).
IEEE Policy on the Use of AI-Generated Text
As approved in February 2023 by the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board – The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgments section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate AI text in papers.
- Publications O&P Manual [PDF 2.7MB]
- Author’s Kit

Portfolio of Publications
IEEE PES Magazines
Our Publications Board
The PES Publications Board is responsible for the following:
- Establish and recommend Society publication policy.
- Ensure that all PES publications adhere to IEEE Publications policies and practices.
The committee includes the Vice President–Publications, who also chairs this Board, the Vice President–Technical Activities, the President, President-Elect, Treasurer, the PES Executive Director, and the Editors in Chief of each PES Magazine & Transaction Magazines.