IEEE PES Calendar


Transmission System – The Interconnected Bulk Electric System

Hyatt Regency Orlando 9801 International Dr, Orlando, United States

Instructor: Douglas A. Bowman The prerequisite for this course is Power System Basics or familiarity with basic formulas and power system equipment. The focus of this course is to provide participants with knowledge of how electric power is transferred from generation sources to distribution systems via the interconnected electric bulk power system known as “the grid.” […]

Distribution System – Delivering Power to the Customer

Hyatt Regency Orlando 9801 International Dr, Orlando, United States

Instructor: Douglas Houseman The prerequisite for this course is Power System Basics or familiarity with basic formulas and power system equipment. The focus of this course is to provide attendees with an overview of the issues associated with the planning, engineering, design, operation, and automation of electrical distribution systems. Types of distribution systems and network circuits, […]

Power System Basics – Understanding How the Bulk Electric Power System Works

Hyatt Regency Orlando 9801 International Dr, Orlando, United States

Instructor: Brent Olsen The focus of this course is to provide a fundamental foundation in electric power systems, from basic formulas to the planning, operations, and equipment involved in generating, transmitting, and distributing electric power. Basic electrical terminology will be explained in simple-to-understand language with regard to the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of power plants, […]

Grid Forming Inverter Technology

Hyatt Regency Orlando 9801 International Dr, Orlando, United States

This tutorial will provide an overview of grid forming technology, and in-depth details regarding modeling, control, and stability analysis of GFM supported both by simulation and hardware results.

Dynamic Grid Stabilization with Grid-Forming + Energy Storage Technologies

Hyatt Regency Orlando 9801 International Dr, Orlando, United States

This tutorial presents approaches to planning and specification, technology principles with example installations, a comparative evaluation of performance, and an analysis of future trends expected to influence technology development and its place in the market.

Power System Stabilization via Excitation Control

Hyatt Regency Orlando 9801 International Dr, Orlando, United States

In this tutorial feedback control and power system stability theory is presented to explain the foundation concepts of power system stabilization by excitation control.

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