Modern Power System Resilience, Sustainability, Protection and Operation
Resilient grid is a paradigm shift which requires a new line of thinking in the engineering, infrastructure, managing reliable operation and maintenance of the grid. The importance of modern electricity grid for sustainable delivery of reliable, communicative, and high-quality electricity is paramount. The Electric power industry continues to transform at an accelerating rate. Balancing energy sources to efficiency operate the grid, minimizing exposure to cascading events and need for oscillatory stability management are among key operational objectives. Forced oscillation and impact on maintaining reliable power systems operations is important. Depending on their frequencies, forced oscillations may be observed across a wide-area. Cascading failures present severe threats to power grid reliability and security.
Understanding Cascading Phenomenon: Methodologies and Industry Practice for Analysis of Cascading Failures
Cascading failures present severe threats to power grid reliability and security. Timely detection, mitigation and prevention of cascades are of significant importance, and believed to be one of the greatest challenges in power grids today. IEEE Cascading Failure Working Group (CFWG) has developed the PES General Meeting tutorial dedicated solely to the subject of cascading outages. The tutorial provides an overview of the cascading phenomenon and explains methods, technologies, and tools that are currently being used to predict, detect, mitigate and restore from cascading failures. This Workshop describes the power system cascading concepts, models, relevant standards and existing industry practices for analysis of cascading failures in planning and operating environments. Latest developments in technologies, such as synchrophasor technology, for better detection and mitigation of cascading outages are also covered.
Disaster Recovery – Energy and Technology Transformation in Emerging Grid
Modern society has reached a point where virtually every crucial economic and social function depends on the resilient, secure, reliable operation of the power and energy infrastructure.
Energy related low carbon initiatives and Grid modernization are in full gear worldwide. Source and load control at the distribution level is quickly becoming a key requirement of this evolving system. Machine Learning and Robotic Inspection for substation equipment is now in use in parts of the world. Digital Substation business case is becoming more evident and human machine interface for managing power system assets is gaining attention. Wireless technology has become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives and a fabric of our society. The prospect of not being connected continuously to the internet has become unimaginable. Use of GPS and precision timing, for timing for synchronization of Critical Infrastructure of many sectors has become essential, and the timing security and threat mitigation measures are essential is a changing landscape.
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