Technological Advances in Grid Code Compliance, High Penetration and Drive Train Diagnostics of Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Wind Power Generation continues to grow and is the key contributor to large scale variable power connected to grid in the renewable energy generation mix. Utility transmission system operators impose stringent grid codes internationally. The emphases are given to low and high voltage ride-through capabilities, active and reactive power responses during and after faults, and reactive power (voltage) regulation. Rapid technological developments are in progress to meet various grid code requirements. In this talk, fault ride through techniques for all four types of wind energy conversion systems (WECS) are covered and some case studies are presented involving enabling technologies in grid code compliance, congestion management, and drive train diagnostics.
Net Zero by 2050- Enabling Distributed Energy Resources and the Changing Australian Energy Landscape
Developed and developing World are committing to Net Zero by 2050, It will require an enormous effort and a huge technological challenge to overcome. Countries like Australia is leading the pack. Centralised resources are alone not sufficient. Distributed Energy Resources (DER) are changing the energy landscape. VPP, micro retal market, energy aggregators are finding their way into the mix. Energy consumers have choice and no longer need to rely on grid energy for 100% of their needs. DER are reducing in cost and increasing in performance and functionality. DER are presenting an opportunity and threat to traditional business models. Customers, energy retailers and networks have different drivers and incentives with regard to DER. Energy utopia is when these stakeholders all achieve their desired outcomes (a Win-Win-Win). Is energy utopia a reality?
A Journey on Frequency Response Analysis for Power Transformer Fault Detection-Offline to Online
axial movement, core deformation and other types of faults. Traditional techniques of high voltage electrical equipment fault detection are not suitable for mechanical type fault monitoring and detection in transformers. FRA’s are recognised in successfully diagnose HV/LV winding movement, buckling, clamping pressure integrity, core movement types of faults. In Australia, the speaker pioneered the FRA technique while working as Pacific Power funded Research Academic at The University of Newcastle 1995-1997. Since then he has continued researching on FRA from mainly offline technique to now online technique while working at Curtin University, Perth, Australia from 1997-2018 collaborating with Chongqing University, Xian Jiatong University, Queensland University of Technology, BC Hydro in Canada and Western Power. In this talk, the speaker will present a summary account of technology evolution on FRA from offline to online Worldwide.
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