Asset Performance Management for Electric Utilities
This lecture focuses on Asset monitoring and diagnostics topics. What to do with all the data that is gathered from various siloed quarters is the central theme of the presentation. Questions such as what to monitor, how to make risk assessments, what actions to take to mitigate any risk are addressed.
Asset Investment Planning for Electric Utilities
This lecture focuses on the basics of investment decisions that electric utilities have to make to keep their grids working in a safe, reliable and economic manner. The focus is on how to create a uniform risk framework that allows for the comparison of projects on a common basis and the creation of portfolios that reflect corporate goals such as risk minimization, performance optimization and value maximization.
Data Analytics for Electric Utilities
This lecture focuses on data aspects of power systems. To provide a complete picture, this lecture walks the audience through various processes – Data creation, Data collection, Data cleansing, Data Analysis, Inferencing and prediction – associated with electric utility asset management.
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