Commissioning & Periodic Maintenance of Microprocessor Based Protection Relays in Industrial Facilities
Microprocessor Relays use Digital Signal Processing and Protection Algorithms. They have no adjustments. What does test and maintenance mean, and when is it required? This presentation covers relay testing safety, microprocessor relay design, relay failure modes, self-test, type, acceptance, commissioning, routine maintenance, needs based testing, maintenance intervals and relay testing standards.
IEEE Standard 3002.8: Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Harmonic Studies
The material in this recommended practice originally comes from Chapter 10 of the IEEE Brown Book™, IEEE Std 399™-1997, Recommended Practice for Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Analysis but includes major modifications based on the latest technological advancements. This publication provides a recommended practice for conducting harmonic studies and analysis of power systems in commercial and industrial facilities. It is likely to be of greatest value to the power-oriented engineer with limited commercial or industrial plant experience. It can also be an aid to all engineers responsible for the electrical design of commercial and industrial facilities. It should be considered a guide and general reference on analysis of commercial and industrial facilities.
Ground Fault Protection in Industrial Distribution Systems
Ground fault protection is an essential part of the protection of industrial electrical distribution systems. In order to understand ground fault protection, we must first have a review of symmetrical component theory. Low Voltage solidly grounded systems are discussed with reference to the work of Dunki-Jacobs, current National Electrical Code requirements and low voltage breaker settings. Medium Voltage low resistance grounded systems are discussed with digital relays being compared to electromechanical relays, coordination techniques, cable charging current, resistor ratings and harmonic restraint.
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