Optimal Pre-positioning and Dispatch of Mobile Microgrids for Critical Service
This presentation discusses the numerical solution for a power distribution system restoration model, which is established in response to multiple severe outages caused by natural disasters like hurricanes, widespread fire, massive flooding, or ice storms. The proposed restoration model includes the coordination of routing repair crews (RRCs) and mobile microgrids (MMGs) on congested transportation and power distribution networks. A two-stage robust model is proposed to optimally schedule the pre-positioning of RRS and MMG systems in day-ahead and minimize the effects of congested power distribution and urban transportation networks in real-time routing of RRS and MMG systems for enhancing the power distribution system resilience. The proposed model is reformulated as a mixed-integer second-order cone programming problem (MISOCP) and Benders decomposition and column-and-constraint generation algorithms are further utilized to solve the proposed MISOCP. Numerical results for the modified IEEE 33-bus 12-node, IEEE 123-bus 25-node, and 252-bus 80-node electricity-transportation systems show the effectiveness of the proposed model and its solution technique for enhancing the power system resilience in extreme conditions.
Microgrid: A New Hub in Energy Infrastructure
Microgrids represent smaller-scale version of centralized electric power systems which are established by communities within larger power systems. Microgrids achieve specific goals pertaining to distributed power systems which include higher reliability and fewer outages, higher resilience with self-healing capabilities, higher sustainability with more diversification of energy resources, higher energy efficiency and lower operating costs. Microgrids provide a more robust control of integrated renewable resources at the community level and allow customer participations in the operation of an electricity infrastructure. Microgrids form the building blocks of perfect power systems which promote the use of real-time pricing and demand response for optimizing the distributed control of electric power systems. This presentation will highlight some of the key issues in the design and the operation of microgrids and discuss the role of recent innovations and, in particular, the significance of smart grid applications to power system operations and control. The presentation will also discuss the development of a hybrid AC/DC microgrid which is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy and implemented at Illinois Institute of Technology.
Transactive Energy for Enhancing the Resilience, Reliability, Security, and Economics of Distributed and Autonomous Electric Power Systems
Transactive energy is considered as an enabler of end-to-end energy trading and coordinated operations among for lowering energy costs in power distribution systems. However, the provision of transactive energy trading poses new operation challenges in power distribution systems, which are traditionally managed by distribution system operators (DSOs). This presentation discusses a bi-level framework to conceive an optimal trading strategy in the hierarchical operation of distributed power systems with independent power generation resources. The upper level operation in the proposed model considers a transactive energy market where networked and distributed power systems participate in local energy trading. The trading results are submitted to the lower level in which the DSO devises a distribution network reconfiguration strategy to optimize the distribution power flows and the distribution power system operation. In this presentation, we use microgrids as independent agents at the upper level to represent small-scale versions of centralized electric power systems. Microgrids are established in critical load centers like universities, data centers, hospitals, airports, military bases, and residential areas for enhancing the resilience, reliability, security, and economics of distributed power systems. Networked microgrids provide a robust control of integrated renewable resources and battery storage in energy-constrained communities and allow customer participations in the operation of critical infrastructures. Considering the increasing penetration of distributed energy resources and the proliferation of microgrids, the role of transactive energy in networked microgrid is critical as discussed in this presentation. The proposed hierarchical solution enables transactive energy trading decisions by networked microgrids and effective distributed energy market clearing by DSO. Case studies show the applications of the proposed framework and algorithm in the power distribution system operation.
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