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PES Women in Power fosters a more diverse leadership by supporting the career advancement, networking and education of women in the energy industry. Our goal is not to simply increase the number of women in the power industry but to promote women into leadership positions as well.
This leadership team is supported by mentors and role models who share their stories and share of themselves to help realize the potential of women in the power industry.
The Women in Power initiative has pulled together a Leadership Advisory Committee comprised of men and women from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Their stories and their positions in the industry help to demonstrate, first hand, the success that anyone can achieve with a lot of hard work.
The IEEE PES Women in Power Committee is created to foster a more diverse leadership by supporting career advancement, networking and education of women in the electric power and energy industry. One important way this mission is supported is through the formal recognition of a worthy female member of this community. LEARN MORE >
Sainab Taiwo Ninalowo
For her long-time outstanding leadership contributions to the development of WIP.
Sainab Ninalowo is an Engineer in the Capacity Planning group at ComEd. ComEd is an energy delivery subsidiary of Exelon Corporation and one of the largest utilities in the United States, providing service to approximately 3.8 million customers across northern Illinois. Prior to this, she was in the Smart Grid and Technology group which was charged with developing and implementing innovative technologies and business models for advancing the electric grid. Sainab also drives innovation and collaboration at ComEd as ComEd’s regional innovation ambassador, and sits on the new idea review board.
Sainab was the FY16 VP of Outreach for the Society of Women Engineers- Chicago Regional Section, where she oversaw the high school, elementary, scholarship, and collegiate outreach programs. Sainab graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Bradley University in 2012, and she is currently pursuing an MBA degree in Finance from DePaul University in Chicago. Sainab loves outdoor activities such as hiking, camping and photographing the life around her.
Staji Wilson
For her outstanding efforts and innovative activities to promote the visibility and influence of WIP, with effect of increasing active community members.
Staji is working as an Assistant Engineer at Tata Consultancy Services(RnD Telecom), Balngore, India. She graduated from APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University in Electronics and Communication Engineering. She is an IEEE Member for the past five years and an activePES Young Professional. She volunteered in many national and global IEEE committees and events. She was involved in IEEE Awards program for two years as an outreach volunteer and attended IEEE Vision Innovation Challenges Summit and IEEE Honors Ceremony in 2019.
Staji was the travel grant recipient of IEEE WIE International Leadership Conference 2019 and also volunteered in WIE ILS Kochi. She worked with NGOs like Teach for India to educate children in the country and spread awareness about STEM. She was a speaker for International conferences like IEEE Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy Conference (PESGRE 2020).
Staji organized events to promote women in engineering, to inspire and encourage them to pursue a career in their field of interest.Her contributions towards IEEE PES are very significant at the chapter as well as the national level. She has taken numerous STEP and SPAC initiatives to instill the difference between student and professional life, and introduce the opportunities and benefits of IEEE YP and IEEE PES YP Affinity Group. She initiated some Women in Power events to bring more girls into technical upfront. She served as the IEEE PES Day India Lead 2020. Her field of interest is photonics and renewable energy.
Jing Sun
For his outstanding and continuous contributions to WIP through multiple services for the members and for the promotion of the community.
Jing Sun graduated from Beijing Normal University and worked in China Society of electrical engineering and Tsinghua University. He has been committed to the construction of information system in power and energy industry for many years. During his more than ten years at CSEE, he has repeatedly provided information technology support for activities jointly sponsored by IEEE PES in China. As a WIP volunteer from 2020 to 2021, he was responsible for data statistics and technical support.
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