Mazana Armstrong
Home / Mazana Armstrong
AC Interference Between Pipelines and Power Lines
In this talk the speaker describes engineering studies done for a major natural gas pipeline upgrade in an urban area in shared corridors with BC Hydro’s HV and EHV lines. The speaker will describe a probabilistic approach to pipeline safety implemented by BC Hydro, as well as the current state of the pipeline and powerline electrical coordination standards used in North America.Minimum Approach Distances and Their Impact on Live-Line Maintenance of Overhead Transmission Lines
In this talk the speaker will discuss how changes to OSHA regulations in the US related to Minimum Approach Distances are having impact on Canadian electric power utilities including BC Hydro, and the efforts to conduct transient overvoltage studies using EMTP and update their live-line maintenance practices. The speaker will reflect on the relevant international standards such as IEEE 516 and IEC 61472, and utility interpretations of these standards.
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