Luiz Barroso


Hydroscheduling and Renewable Integration in Competitive Electricity Market
The objective of this workshop is to discuss the interplay between hydropower and renewables, under a market design and modeling perspectives. We will mostly discuss what will (and should) be the role of hydro power in a renewable dominated market and how will market design and regulation enable or interfere with this development. A modeling and policy-oriented approach, based on practical experience from the industry, will be deployed. Topics that can be discussed include:
  • Hydro development revisited: planning new hydros with sustainability requirements
  • Hydroscheduling in electricity markets
  • Multi-stage decision making for storage in a probabilistic framework: the SDDP algorithm
  • SDDP: from theory to practice – international experience, calibrating & validating models, probabilistic forecasting of renewable resources (inflows, wind & solar resources)
  • Electricity Market Design and Hydropower: Transmission planning and energy auctions to integrate RES
  • Role of hydro in integrating renewables
  • International perspective on how different markets, regional generation portfolio, and water laws are influencing their model development: the hydroscheduling & the electricity market 2.0.
Efficient Practices for Electricity Auctions and Energy Procurement
Auctions for contracts to develop power-generation capacity and to develop transmission facilities have emerged as an essential policy instrument for many countries to promote the transition to renewable energy sources and technologies. This workshop aims to advise on the implications of different approaches to such auctions. This workshop set – structured around key auction design elements – offers choices and recommendations to support optimal decision-making in different contexts. Auction designs can emphasize cost effectiveness, supply security or socio-economic development objectives. Topics to be included: overview of generation and transmission planning, procuring generation and transmission through auctions, auction design elements, experiences and risks based on examples from real life from the Latin American experience.
Investment Analysis Under Uncertainty
This workshop presents a general discussion on how to evaluate uncertainty and risks on investment analysis of generation and transmission resources. Topics to be included:
  • Generation/transmission investment analysis under uncertainty: basic concepts; Identification of risks
  • Measuring risks: balance between risk and return
  • Risk measures and metrics in investment planning under uncertainty, Investment planning under uncertainty: case studies.

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