Jorge Fernandez Daher


Power Transformers
In this tutorial you will learn about power transformers from a practical point of view, including real cases and analysis. A brief description of main parts of a transformer, accessories, electrical testing either at the factory or in the field, insulating oil testing, interpretation of results, applicable standards (IEC and IEEE), maintenance recommendation.
Partial Discharge Detection in On-line Systems
Description of the partial discharge phenomenon, understanding the theory about discharges. Differences between on-line and off-line tests. Advantages and disadvantages of each method. Description of instrumentation and sensors. Application to different type of equipment. Applicable standards (IEC and IEEE). Analysis of real cases.
Insulating Oils
Function of the insulating oil in a power transformer. Physical and chemical tests, instrumentation and relevant standards (IEC and IEEE). Interpretation of results. Dissolved gas analysis theory and practice. Available interpretation tools for DGA. Latests versions of relevant standards (IEC and IEEE). Analysis of real cases an exercises.

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