Power System Resilience – How Power Systems Can Stay Resilient in Light of Extreme Events and Energy Transition Towards Renewables?
Power system resilience refers to the ability of a power system to continue to deliver reliable electricity service to customers during and after extreme events, such as natural disasters or cyber-attacks, and to adapt to changes in the energy landscape, such as the transition towards renewable energy sources.
To stay resilient in light of extreme events, power systems need to be designed with redundancy and flexibility. In addition, power system operators need to have effective communication and coordination mechanisms in place to quickly respond to and restore service after a disruption.
As the world transitions towards renewable energy sources, power systems may become vulnerable to lower levels of system strength and high rate of changes of frequency and low inertia. Therefore, modern grids need to adjust to the new operating conditions and become resilient to emerging challenges and adapt to variable and intermittent nature of renewable sources. This can be achieved through the deployment of energy storage systems, such as batteries, that can help stabilise the system and balance supply and demand on the grid, and through the use of advanced technologies, such as smart grids and demand response programs, that can help manage energy use in real-time.
Another key aspect of power system resilience in the context of the energy transition is the development of robust and secure digital infrastructure to support the integration of renewable energy sources. This includes the deployment of advanced sensors and monitoring systems to improve situational awareness and the use of machine learning algorithms to help anticipate and respond to potential disruptions.
Overall, achieving power system resilience in the face of extreme events and the energy transition will require a comprehensive approach that involves a combination of technological, operational, and policy solutions. In this talk, the latest development in power system resilience is highlighted a holistic approach to power system resilience is presented.
Towards Net Zero Energy Systems – What Are The Challenges of Power Systems in High Renewable Energy Penetration?
As the world moves towards a net-zero energy future using high levels of renewable energy, power systems face several challenges. These challenges include:
Integration of variable renewable energy sources: Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are inherently variable, which can create challenges for power system operators. As the penetration of renewable energy sources increases, it becomes more challenging to balance the electricity supply and demand given the intermittency of renewable generation.
Energy storage and grid flexibility: Energy storage systems are critical for balancing the variable supply and demand of renewable energy. However, the deployment of these systems on a large scale can be costly, and their integration with the grid requires significant investment in grid flexibility and stability.
Grid infrastructure and planning: A transition to a net-zero energy system requires significant investment in grid infrastructure to accommodate the increased capacity of renewable energy sources. This includes upgrading transmission lines, building new substations, and increasing the capacity of the grid to handle higher levels of power flow.
System reliability and resilience: The reliability and resilience of the power system are crucial for ensuring uninterrupted power supply to users. The integration of high levels of renewable energy sources requires new approaches to grid management, such as the use of grid-forming inverters and other advanced technologies, to maintain system stability.
Policy and regulatory frameworks: The transition to a net-zero energy system requires the development of new policies and regulations to support the integration of renewable energy sources into the grid. These policies must provide incentives for investment in renewable energy and energy storage, while also ensuring the reliability and stability of the power system.
Overall, the challenges of power systems in high renewable energy penetration are significant, but they can be overcome through careful planning, investment, and collaboration between industry, government, and other stakeholders. A successful transition to a net-zero energy system requires a holistic approach that considers all aspects of the power system, including energy generation, storage, and distribution, as well as policy and regulatory frameworks.
Operating Modern Power Systems Under Uncertainty – What It Means for the Modern System Operators?
Operating modern power systems under uncertainty presents significant challenges for system operators. Uncertainty can arise from a variety of sources, including variability in renewable energy sources especially Distributed Energy Resources, unexpected changes in demand, and unforeseen events such as equipment failures or extreme weather conditions.
System operators must be able to manage this uncertainty to ensure the reliable and efficient operation of the power system. This requires the use of advanced technologies and techniques to monitor and forecast the behaviour of the system, identify potential problems, and take appropriate actions to mitigate them.
One key approach is to use advanced analytics and machine learning techniques to forecast future system behaviour and identify potential issues before they occur. For example, predictive algorithms can help identify potential contingencies and issues before they happen, allowing for proactive decision making.
System operators must also have robust contingency plans in place to deal with unexpected events such as extreme weather conditions or indistinct events arising from high level of renewable resources which may put the system at risk of unprecedented scale.
In summary, operating modern power systems under uncertainty requires a combination of advanced technologies, analytics, and contingency planning to ensure reliable and efficient operation. System operators must be able to monitor and forecast system behaviour, identify potential issues, and take appropriate actions to mitigate them in real-time. In this talk, the effect of contingencies arising from these sources will be highlighted and mitigation measures will be discussed.
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