Colton Ching
Home / Executive Advisory Council / Colton Ching
Colton Ching is senior vice president of planning and technology. He has responsibility for planning Hawaiian Electric’s 100% renewable energy grid and the procurement of cost-effective, reliable, and resilient renewable resources to fulfil its plans. Colton is also responsible for developing and managing Hawaiian Electric’s strategies and budgets for the transmission and distribution system. Colton previously served as Vice President of Energy Delivery as well as Vice President of System Operation and Planning and has 32 years of utility experience.
In addition to his work at Hawaiian Electric, Colton serves on the IEEE Power & Energy Society External Advisory Board, Department of Energy Advanced Research on Integrated Energy Systems (ARIES) External Advisory Board, the Pacific Energy Institute Advisory Board, Metro Board of Directors of the YMCA of Honolulu and the Executive Board of the Aloha Council of the Scouts BSA. Colton is also one of 13 inaugural cohorts in the Omidyar Fellows Leadership program.
Colton was born and raised on the island of Maui and is a graduate of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa where he received a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He now calls Kāneʻohe home where he resides with his wife Vicky and their son Jacob.
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