Advanced Prediction Techniques Applied to Smart Grids
The power system industry is shifting towards a new digitalization era to better manage risk within volatile energy commodities, increase customer engagement, and enhance efficiency via grid optimization. Data analytics play a vital role in this transformation and, as such, different measurement architectures have been used and implemented to facilitate data capturing process and supervisory control at the generation, transmission, and distribution levels. This tutorial will review the recent outcomes of some smart grid challenges addressed by novel prediction techniques. At the generation level, decomposition techniques have been applied to handle the inherent uncertainty in short-term wind power prediction. At the transmission level, dynamic thermal line rating prediction has been studied as a viable solution to reduce congestion and utilize the actual capacity of the line. Considering the high inclusion of phasor measurement units at the transmission level, cutting-edge methods have been proposed to address stability status prediction of the grid following a contingency. Finally, at the distribution level, real-life data obtained from advanced metering infrastructure have been used for load prediction and customer segmentation.
Grid Modernization for Smart and Carbon-Neutral Cities
In 2015, countries around the world reached the Paris Agreement to start reducing emissions as soon as possible to deal with the increasingly dominant issue of climate change and achieve the carbon neutrality target. Many countries, including China and the USA, have proposed national strategies to strengthen their power grids to facilitate major government initiatives, such as increasing the penetration of renewable energy as well as the electrification of transportation and other business and industrial sectors. Besides, the initiative of smart cities is promoted to improve the quality of our life. A reliable and sustainable power grid is recognized as a key enabler for smart and carbon-neutral cities. Hundreds of billions of US dollars have been and are being spent on modernizing existing power grids. In this lecture, the latest developments, challenges and opportunities in grid modernization for smart and carbon-neutral cities will be presented, and some key technologies will then be discussed.
Challenges and Opportunities for Planning and Operation of Smart Grid
Concerns about energy security, need for diversifying the fuel basket and climate change are growing, spurring global growth in use of renewable energies in the process. A reliable and sustainable power grid is a key enabler for increased usage of renewable energies and variance and uncertainty in renewable energy generation have seriously challenged the operations of power grids. Planning for integration of renewable resources in the grid has become the paramount concern. The application of a broad array of emerging technologies to modernize the existing power grid (collectively referred to as ‘smart grid technologies’) has been considered an efficient means of enabling greater transfers of renewable energy and preventing large-scale system blackouts.
Hundreds of billions of US dollars have been and are being spent on this multidisciplinary research area. Large pilot and demonstration projects for research on and development of smart grid are in progress in many countries.This tutorial reviews the latest developments in smart grid technologies, including the associated critical technical issues, and dwells upon application of existing technologies, as well as the grid-related future needs of power systems, besides challenges and opportunities involved in planning and operations of smart grid.
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