Inverter-based resource technologies and control
This lecture discusses different technologies for inverter-based resources (IBR). These include wind, solar, standalone battery energy storage systems (BESS), AC and DC connected hybrid solar and BESS, and variable-speed pumped hydro storage. Both grid-forming and grid-following inverters are discussed and the application of control theory for IBR control and tuning is discussed.Power system dynamic modelling and analysis with high penetration of power electronic interfaced devices
This lecture presents different approaches applied for dynamic modelling in power systems with a high share of power electronic interfaced devices. These includes phasor-domain transients, electromagnetic transient and frequency-domain methods. The level of details required for various power system component modelling and methodologies to help deciding the extent of the system to be modelled will be discussed.Grid interconnection processes, requirements and modelling
This lecturer focuses on various aspects of grid interconnection process in power systems with a high share of inverter-based resources. Best practices for different types of connections and power systems are highlighted, and technical requirements around the world are overviewed. Various modelling approaches for interconnection studies are then presented.© Copyright 2023 IEEE — All rights reserved. A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.