Hydrogen-Electric Aircraft Technologies and Integration: Enabling an Environmentally Sustainable Aviation Future

As the global community grapples with growing concerns of a changing climate, many eyes have turned to the sustainability of the transportation sector. In the United States, transportation is currently the leading category contributing to all greenhouse gas emissions, producing more emissions per year than the electricity generation, industry, commercial and residential, and agricultural sectors individually. As various transportation modes transition to more sustainable models, such as with the use of battery-electric vehicles, the aviation sector has struggled to identify effective solutions for future sustainability goals, largely due to the difference in power and energy requirements of aircraft, as compared to other vehicles.
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Wildfire Resiliency: California Case for Change

The world has seen an increase in catastrophic wildfires that have caused loss of lives, massive economic impacts from the properties and structures destroyed, and negative impacts on our environment and ecosystem. A recent study by the U.S. Geological Survey shows the greenhouse gas emissions from the 2018 California wildfires is on par with the entire year of equivalent emissions from all electricity generations combined feeding the needs of California.
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Harnessing the Full Potential of Clean Energy: The Role of Southern California’s Utility Distributed Energy Resource Pilots

California is committed to achieving carbon neutrality to reduce the threat of climate change by 2045. This will require deep decarbonization across all economic sectors and necessitate rigorous planning to keep energy safe, reliable, and affordable. Southern California Edison (SCE), a utility that delivers electricity to 15 million people across southern, central, and coastal California, undertook an in-depth analysis to identify a feasible and economical path to realizing California’s greenhouse gas reduction goals and achieve carbon neutrality at the lowest reasonable cost by 2045.
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Decarbonization of Electricity Systems in Europe: Market Design Challenges

Driven by climate change concerns, Europe has taken significant initiatives toward the decarbonization of its energy system. The European Commission (EC) has set targets for 2030 to achieve at least 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions with respect to the 1990 baseline level and cover at least 32% of the total energy consumption in the European Union (EU) through renewable energy sources, predominantly wind and solar generation.
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Green Gas to Replace SF6 in Electrical Grids

Environmental considerations are increasingly taking a front seat in all arenas of our daily lives—political, industrial and societal. Not least among the major concerns are global warming and the greenhouse gases that contribute to it, as their concentration in the air reaches new heights. Hence the power industry’s focus on sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and the need to find a suitable alternative for it in industrial applications. Grid Solutions, a GE and Alstom joint venture, has identified a fluoronitrile based gas mixture dubbed ‘g3–green gas for grid’ that is such a alternative.
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Advancements in Clean Air Insulation Technologies for Switchgear and Circuit Breakers

Our power systems and grids are rapidly transforming to help realize a CO2 -neutral world. Reducing CO2 and equivalent greenhouse gases (GHG) is an important step to address global warming. Power systems must phase out the most potent GHG, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6 ), to achieve this CO2 -neutral society. SF6 has the highest known global warming potential (GWP) of all GHG, estimated to remain in the atmospheric environment for 3,200 years. There is also no SF6 gas waste management system commercially available today. At the same time, utilities must ensure transmission performance and reliability are maintained or increased.
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