IEEE Power & Energy Society Outstanding Student Scholarship
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About the Award
The IEEE Power & Energy Society Outstanding Student Scholarship was established to recognize PES Student Members from around the world who have chosen an academic path leading to an electric power and energy engineering career. Recipients will be chosen based on their academic achievements, contributions to meeting community and humanitarian needs, and leadership in advancing student engagement within PES.
Committee Members:
Rui Fan
Lalit Goel
Karanjit Kalsi
Yan Li
Pannala Sanjeev
Yi Wang
Dafang Zhao
Junbo Zhao
2024 Award Recipients
- Rishi Kant Thakur, Indian Institute of Technology (Region 10)
- Yingyi Tang, Xi’an Jiaotong University (Region 10)
- Matheus Gomes, Federal University of Bahia (Region 9)
- Mohammed Hussein Saleh Mohammed Haram, Multimedia University, Malaysia (Region 10)
2023 Award Recipients
Augusto Zanin Bertoletti
Full BioJanos Gianone
Full BioYitong Liu
Full BioSienna Shi
Full BioMiswar A. Syed
Full BioNaveed Ahmed Unar
Full BioRong Xuanman
Full BioSienna Shi
Full BioAward Details
Recognize PES Student Members from around the world who have chosen an academic path leading to an electric power and energy engineering career. Recipients will be chosen based on their academic achievements, contributions to meeting community and humanitarian needs, and leadership in advancing student engagement within PES.
The cash prize for these Scholarships will be distributed from the IEEE Foundation – PES Endowment Scholarship Fund. Funds in the annual PES budget will be used to cover the complimentary housing and conference registration expenses for the recipients at their corresponding PES Regional meeting.
- Each recipient (up to Twenty (20)) will receive a plaque and a prize amount of US$10,000. The prize funds will be distributed directly to the student.
- Each recipient will also receive complimentary housing and conference registration if they are able to participate & attend their corresponding PES Regional meeting.
- The housing and conference registration fee will come from the PES Budget if they are being recognized at the corresponding events within their Region – PES General Meeting (Regions 1-7), PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition (Region 1 – 7), PES ISGT Latin America (Region 9), PES ISGT Europe (Region 8) and PES ISGT Asia (Region 10).
- Scholarships will be given only if a suitable awardee is identified.
Applicants must be:
- An IEEE PES Student Member (or any member grade) in good standing
- A full-time student who is pursuing a Master’s of Science degree in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)/Masters of Engineering (M.Eng) or an equivalent designation with a focus in electrical power engineering. Individuals pursuing their PhD are not eligible for this award.
- Must be attending a university or college that has an active IEEE Student Branch which offers a substantive educational program in electrical power engineering
- Committed to working in the power and energy engineering career field
Nominators must be:
- Nominations must be submitted by an IEEE Senior or Fellow Member, in good standing
- Nominations must have at least two, but no more than four references. *It is preferred that one of the references be from the head of the degree program (whether departmental or engineering college) in which the student is enrolled.
- Students cannot self-submit a nomination.
No current member of the IEEE Board of Directors, the IEEE PES Governing Board, the IEEE PES Awards and Recognition Committee, the IEEE PES Outstanding Student Scholarship Selection Committee, or IEEE staff may be candidates, or endorse candidates.
Eligibility and selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations
Selection/Basis for Judging:
Selection will be based on the evaluation of submitted material that will include, in part, testimonials from peers, teachers or industry members. Emphasis will be on academic achievements, contributions to meeting community and humanitarian needs, and leadership in advancing student engagement with PES.
- Description of degree program with emphasis on the degree requirements, power and energy engineering courses offered, number of students, and faculty
- Transcript of academic record with minimum requirement of weighted average grade (or equivalent) in courses to date greater than 90%
- Description of courses taken related to power and energy engineering and description of the student’s academic plan for the remaining courses to be taken
- Academic presentations such as student posters or academic papers/articles
- Internships and student research projects
- Awards/recognitions received for academic performance or for service to the academic or broader community
- Activities and accomplishments in local PES activities particularly in promoting student engagement with PES
- Community and humanitarian activities and accomplishments, particularly those relevant to energy and society challenges
- At least two but no more than four letters of references/recommendation from IEEE Members. It is preferred that one recommendation letter come from the head of the degree-granting department or college.
For the purposes of this scholarship, power and energy education and research topics underlying this award focus on electric power engineering associated with grid operations, planning and maintenance. Power electronics is included. Other engineering topics, such as communications and IT, are included to the extent they address power engineering challenges.
- September -Nominations will open
- 31 January -Deadline for nomination submission
- 30 April – deadline for results from Selection Committee
- No later than 30 May
Selection Committee:
The Selection Committee shall consist of at least 12 members, including the chair, with six representatives from regions 1-7 as a whole, and two from each other region respectively. All members of the committee shall be PES members in good standing. The chair shall be appointed by the PES Vice-President Education. The remaining members shall be selected by the Chair subject to the approval of the PES VP-Education. Individuals shall serve no longer than three years.