IEEE Standards for Interconnection and Energy Management

Governments and corporations around the world have pledged to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050, if not sooner. Those pledges are heavily dependent on massive deployments of wind and solar generation, which cannot be achieved without energy storage. For example, California’s latest integrated resource plan adopts a target of 25.5GW of supply-side renewable energy and 15GW of energy storage and demand response capacity by 2032. Fully exploiting the flexibility of energy storage, which can act as both generation and load, and can switch between the two in milliseconds, has been a challenge at both the distribution and transmission levels. IEEE interconnection standards have been evolving to reflect the growing role of energy storage in renewables integration and grid stabilization, and the need to gain the maximum benefit from this resource. With the same aim in mind, the PES Energy Storage & Stationary Battery Committee (ESSB) is sponsoring standards projects to provide best practices in the management of battery energy storage systems.

Active Committees/Task Forces of Interest
Technical Reports & Applicable Papers or Presentations
Other Available Material