How To Submit An Article For IEEE PES Magazines

First, determine which magazine your article aligns with best.

Check The PES Author’s Kit

To ensure your paper adheres to our guidelines, please check the PES Author’s Kit to ensure that your submission matches the PES template.

Manuscript Central Submission Site

Create a Manuscript Central, our submission site, account. If you have already created an account, please use those login credentials. Once ready, navigate to the publication of interest, under the Author tab, and click Begin Submission.

Once in Manuscript Central, proceed with the following steps.

  1. Select your article submission type.
    1. IEEE P&E magazine article
    2. IEEE magazine invited article. Only select this if you were invited by the editor to submit a paper for a specific issue.
    3. Columns – Only select this if the editor-in-chief asked you to submit a column submission.
  2. Enter the title of the article.
  3. Select the issue your article was invited for or select n/a if this is not an invited paper or column.
  4. Upload the main PDF manuscript file. Double-check that the manuscript adheres to the submission guidelines in the PES Author’s kit.
  5. Enter all of the authors’ names.
  6. Enter any non-preferred reviewers. 
  7. Add any additional details, comments, or notes as appropriate.
  8. Review and submit.

You will receive a confirmation email of your successful submission. Please email for any submission questions. Thank you.