Power System Operation, Planning and Economics Committee (PSOPE)
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Join Us
PSOPE is one of the largest Technical Committee of IEEE PES. Our members are leaders of power system operation and planning everyday in the field, while they are the vanguard of innovations and new approaches for running and thinking the power systems of tomorrow. Members are involved in our several subcommittees, working groups and task forces. We are always looking for motivated new members and volunteers. Always feel free to join one of the most diverse and growing group in IEEE PES!
Who We Are
The Power System Operation, Planning and Economics Committee comprises of high-level technical leaders coming primarily from industry, academia, government labs, and policy makers. Our diverse membership ranges from control room running power systems 24/7, all the way to policy specialists dealing with ratemaking and regulation. Our members also include an important representation from R&D organizations.
Committee Scope
This committee covers the philosophies, methodologies, practices and tools for operation, planning and economics of interconnected and insular power systems, involving the following topics:
- Covering long term power system planning, operations planning and real-time operations time horizons
- Operating under normal, emergency, and restorative power system conditions
- Ensuring adequacy of energy and demand-side resources, whether or not dispatchable, to meet active and reactive power and reserve requirements
- Planning for and operating transmission and distribution systems to ensure safe, environmentally sustainable, reliable, and economic delivery of power and energy to load delivery points
- Integrating renewable resources, distributed energy resources, microgrids, demand response resources, energy storage resources into power system planning and operations
- designing and operating markets for electricity and ancillary services, including regulatory issues and interfaces between electricity and other commodities (such as fuels)
- Addressing the economic issues behind the functioning of the planning and operational aspects of the power industry
- Training and workforce support for power system operations personnel
- Identifying needs and requirements for improved philosophies, methodologies, technologies and tools for power system planning, operations and markets
Bulk Power System Operation Subcommittee
Scope: The Bulk Power System Operation Subcommittee disseminates information on how and what power system operators do to operate the interconnected bulk power systems at control centers, with the objectives of safety, reliability and operational efficiency. To achieve these objectives, they need to perform a number of functions and their associated tasks.
Anurag Srivastava, Chair
West Virginia University
Web Page: https://site.ieee.org/pes-psope/subcommittees/bulk-power-system-operation-subcommittee/
Bulk Power System Planning Subcommittee
Scope: This Subcommittee disseminates information to the industry on how and what power system planners have to do to ensure the resource adequacy, reliability and resiliency of the interconnected bulk power systems; and the economics, environmental sustainability and financial soundness of energy resource portfolios, while facing evolving government regulations and policies, changing business environment, and uncertainties. This Subcommittee also highlights the long term issues to support this bulk power system planning discipline.
Rui Bo, Chair
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Web Page: https://site.ieee.org/pes-psope/subcommittees/bulk-power-system-planning-subcommittee/
Distribution System Operation and Planning Subcommittee
Scope: The Distribution System Operation and Planning Subcommittee focuses on both the power system planning and operations of electric distribution systems. On the system planning front, the Subcommittee disseminates information on the methods and techniques for planning sustainable, reliable and cost-effective distribution systems, considering the transition from contemporary to future customers and business processes, as well as the use of automation and control technologies, distributed energy resources, distributed generation, renewable resources of utility scale and at customer sites, demand response, etc. On the system operations front, it disseminates information on what and how Distribution Management Systems systems in Distribution System Control Centers would be used to operate the distribution systems so as to meet the system operations objectives of high system reliability, environmental sustainability and operational efficiency, using application software such as Advanced Distribution Automation, Integrated Volt/Var Control, etc.
Power System Economics Subcommittee
Scope: The Power System Economics Subcommittee (PSE SC) disseminates information to industry on the design and operation of electricity markets, as well as underlying issues surrounding power system economics and regulatory frameworks.
Erik Ela, Chair
Electric Power Research Institute
Web Page: https://site.ieee.org/pes-psope/subcommittees/power-system-economics-subcommittee/
Technologies and Innovation Subcommittee
Scope: The Technologies and Innovation Subcommittee addresses new technologies, innovation and support needed to ensure proper power system planning, operation and electricity market operation. The need for innovations arises because of the changing business environment and technology offerings.
Alfredo Vaccaro, Chair
University of Sannio
Web Page: https://site.ieee.org/pes-psope/subcommittees/technologies-and-innovation-subcommittee/
Upcoming Events
- There are no events scheduled at this time.
- Download the Power System Operation, Planning and Economics (PSOPE) Flyer [PDF 1.6MB]
- Download the Power System Operation, Planning and Economics (PSOPE) Committee O&P Manual [PDF 378KB]
Most Recent Annual Report
- 2023 [PDF 262KB]