Energy Development & Power Generation Committee (EDPG)
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Join Us
Join us for a meeting and get involved! Anyone interested in learning more about power generation and helping advance the Committee’s work is welcome to attend. Join industry and academic experts to discuss and develop the future of energy conversion into electric power. We welcome new perspectives and participation at the committee, subcommittee, and working group levels.
Who We Are
The Energy Development and Power Generation Committee operates within the IEEE Power & Energy Society. We focus on systems and facilities for the conversion of energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, nuclear, chemical, fossil, and others into electrical energy. We explore power generation impacts on the environment, conservation, regulation, economics, safety, and security. We look into the energy development opportunities of multi-energy systems and microgrids. We communicate about the interaction between power generation and society through standards, recommended practices, guidelines, policies, position papers, and technical conferences.

Committee Scope
The Energy Development and Power Generation Committee operates within the IEEE Power and Energy Society to develop standards, guides, and technical presentations related to the research and development, application, design, construction, and operation of systems and facilities for the production of electric power.
Our subcommittees and working groups explore a wide range of topics including:
- International Practices on Power Source Integration
- Microgrid Implementation & Applications
- Global Laboratory Infrastructures for Distributed Energy Research
- Distributed Battery Systems
- Isolated & Remote Power Systems
- Standard Harmonization for Hydroelectric Power Plants
- Excitation Systems & Controls Standards (IEEE 421 Series Standards)
- Energy-Water Nexus
Distributed Energy Resources Subcommittee
Scope: Studies, reviews and promotes engineering, design, modeling, trends, and applications of distributed energy resources (DERs) in power and energy systems. The subcommittee is engaged in exchanges with communities and cooperation with associations that share similar interests and supports a variety of dissemination efforts regarding DER activities, including the writing of technical papers and the organization of panels and conference sessions. The subcommittee develops DER models and benchmarks that support the control and integration of DERs. Present areas of particular focus are concerned with microgrids, distributed battery storage integration, isolated power systems with high shares of renewable energy, and infrastructures for testing distributed energy resources.
Affiliated Working Groups:
- WG “Microgrid Applications and Implementation”. Co-Chairs: Anurag Srivastava and Melanie Johnson
- WG “Management of Distributed Battery Storage Systems”. Chair: Caisheng Wang
- WG “High Renewable Energy Penetration in Isolated and Remote Power Systems”. Chair: Michael Negnevitsky
- WG “Global Laboratory Infrastructure for Distributed Energy Resources – Application and Testing”. Chair: Georg Lauss
Kai Strunz, Chair
Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
IEEE SA Program Manager: Vanessa Lalitte
Excitation Systems & Controls Subcommittee
Scope: Studies and reviews engineering and design specifications, installations, and operations of excitation systems for electric motors and generators, including control and protective functions, in liaison with the Station Design, Operation and Control Subcommittee. These functions can incorporate: excitation power source, voltage regulation, power system stabilization, excitation limiters, de-excitation techniques and machine performance. Develops standards, recommended practices, and guides for excitation systems and equipment. Coordinates with other technical committees, groups, societies, and associations, as required.
Les Hajagos, Chair
ENTrust Solutions Group
IEEE SA Program Manager: Vanessa Lalitte
Hydroelectric Power Subcommittee
Scope: Studies and reviews hydroelectric generating station systems and equipment including: hydro station design features (conventional, pumped storage, and mini-hydro), hydro station control systems (in liaison with the Station Design, Operation and Control Subcommittee), hydraulic unit speed governing systems, prime movers, and reservoir management and level control systems. Develops standards, recommended practices, and guides for hydro generating station systems and equipment. Coordinates with technical committees, groups, societies, and associations as required.
Lucas DeLong, Chair
KleinSchmidt Associates
IEEE SA Program Manager: Vanessa Lalitte
Integration of Renewable Energy into T&D Grids Subcommittee
Scope: Deals with all interconnection and design matters related to the grid integration and delivery of transmission- and distribution-connected wind and solar resources. It provides liaison to and cooperates with other committees, subcommittees, working groups and task forces, including standards making groups, in IEEE and other organizations with similar interests. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: best practices on interconnection performance requirements, testing, and verification of wind and solar plants; engineering design of and experience related to wind and solar resource interconnection to T&D systems; safety- and protection-related issues of wind and solar resources interconnected to T&D systems; technologies related to interconnection such as power electronic conversion, collection systems, and storage; analytical and design tools; standards, recommended practices, application guides, and education through panel sessions, special publications and tutorials.
Tom Key, Chair
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
IEEE SA Program Manager: Vanessa Lalitte
International Practices Subcommittee
Scope: Provides and maintains liaison to energy development and power generation professionals worldwide, including associated international technical committees, societies, groups, and associations. Follows technical developments in the international community and brings appropriate items to the attention of the EDPGC and PES, with the concurrence of the EDPGC Chair. Plans, coordinates, develops, and sponsors technical panel sessions, conferences, and standards pertaining to international practices, and policies in energy development and power generation. Promotes the preparation and publishing of technical papers, standards, special feature articles, and special reports pertaining to international practices, standards, and policies in energy development and power generation.
Michael Negnevitsky, Chair
University of Tasmania
IEEE SA Program Manager: Vanessa Lalitte
Renewable Technologies Subcommittee
Scope: Studies and reviews the engineering, design, installation, operating practices, and performance of renewable electric generation technologies, including: solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, wind, biomass, geothermal, small hydroelectric, wave and tidal, and other renewable electricity sources. Identifies and studies research and development criteria needed to develop standards, recommended practices, and guides with respect to renewable generating station systems and equipment. Coordinates with other technical committees, groups, societies, and associations as appropriate.
Shuhui Li, Chair
University of Alabama
IEEE SA Program Manager: Vanessa Lalitte
Station Design, Operations and Control Subcommittee
Scope: Studies and reviews engineering, design, control, operation and installation practices for generating station power systems and equipment including: auxiliary systems (AC/DC), auxiliary equipment (uninterruptible power supplies, electric heating), wire and cable systems, grounding systems, cathodic protection systems, and NESC/NEC practices. Studies and reviews generating station operational engineering and design techniques, practices and documentation requirements. Studies and reviews energy assessment for generating station systems, equipment, and components, including audible noise control, unique identification systems, preoperational testing, data base management, economics, life management, availability, and reliability. Studies and reviews engineering and design, installation, and other features for the integrated control of generating station boiler, turbine, generator, and auxiliary systems. Included are responsibility for alarm monitoring, expert systems, security, reporting and information systems, regulation and control systems, machine governors, and the treatment of computer systems which support them. Defines electrical and non-electrical protection requirements and integrates them with protective relaying requirements to provide comprehensive protection of generating stations. Develops standards, recommended practices and guides for generating station systems, equipment, and practices. Coordinates with other technical committees, groups, societies and associations, as required.
Philip Spotts, Chair
IEEE SA Program Manager: Vanessa Lalitte
Technologies for GHG Mitigation & Adaptation Subcommittee
Scope: Studies existing and evolving electric and transportation mitigation technologies to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions throughout the complete power generation, delivery and end-use chain. This includes fuel cells, electric hybrids, and building and infrastructure design. Includes, but does not limit itself to, existing and evolving mitigation technologies and adaptations that improve the electric industry’s role in climate change abatement. Contributes to better understanding through standards development, technology assessment, and related technical activities.
Qinran Hu, Chair
Southeast University
IEEE SA Program Manager: Vanessa Lalitte
Upcoming Events
There are no current events or meetings scheduled at this time.
- Download the Energy Development & Power Generation (EDPG) Flyer [PDF 143KB]
- Download the Energy Development & Power Generation (EDPG) O&P Manual [PDF 170KB]
Most Recent Annual Report
- 2024 [PDF 185KB]