Electric Machinery Committee (EMC)
Home / Technical Activities / Committees of the Technical Council / Electric Machinery Committee (EMC)
Join Us
Most working group, subcommittee, and committee business is conducted online. The Electric Machinery Committee meets annually at the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting – typically attended by some 40 of the nearly 100 members. Subcommittees and most active working groups meet concurrently. The committee hosts a variety of panel sessions.
Who We Are
The Electric Machinery Committee is concerned with all matters related to the requirements, research, development, application, design, construction, operation, or supervision of electrical machinery. This machinery is associated with the generation of electric energy and its conversion into other forms of electric or mechanical energy. Members are experienced, well-qualified engineers active in all walks of industry where electrical machines constitute an integral element in successful operation and development.
Committee Scope
The Electric Machinery Committee is concerned with all matters related to the requirements, research, development, application, design, construction, operation, or supervision of electrical machinery. This machinery is associated with the generation of electric energy and its conversion into other forms of electric or mechanical energy. Members are experienced, well-qualified engineers active in all walks of industry where electrical machines constitute an integral element in successful operation and development.
Included in the scope of the Committee is the treatment of the following equipment and apparatus:
- Synchronous machines
- Induction machines
- DC and Permanent Magnet machines
- Motor generator sets
- Rotating frequency changers
- Electric couplings, brakes, and dynamometers
Generator Subcommittee
Scope: The activities of the Subcommittee are organized under the EMC. The limits of the Subcommittee responsibilities, or changes in these responsibilities, are defined in a scope approved by the EMC and the Technical Council. The activities of the Working Groups of the Subcommittee are approved by the Subcommittee and the EMC.
- Treat all matters in which the dominant factors are the specifications, requirements, research, development, application, design, construction, operation, maintenance, and supervision of generators, rotating as well as linear, both with and without power electronic speed conversion equipment.
- Review and revise test codes as required and provide recommendations for all revisions of standards applicable to this Subcommittee. Sponsor papers, panels, technical conferences, and sessions in the field of rotating and linear generators, including those with hydraulic turbine drives.
- Establish and maintain liaison with other technical societies, associations, committees, and groups concerned with rotating or linear synchronous machines as required to support and advance the purpose and scope of the Electric Machinery Committee.
- Carry out duties as described in the Electric Machinery Committee Operating Manual.
Robert Messel, Chair
Web Page: https://ewh.ieee.org/soc/pes/emc/gsc/gsc.htm
IEEE SA Program Manager: Malia Zaman
Upcoming Events
There are no current events or meetings scheduled at this time.
- Download the Electric Machinery Committee (EMC) Flyer [PDF 132KB]
- Download the Electric Machinery Committee (EMC) O&P Manual [PDF]
Most Recent Annual Report
- 2020 [PDF 233KB]