Information for Authors of IEEE Power & Energy Society Transactions Papers
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Regarding Transactions Papers
The IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) publishes six Transactions publications: IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion; IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation; IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems; IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid; and IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. The areas covered by each can be found in Part 2 of the PES Author’s Kit.
Paper Preparation
Basic guidelines for preparing papers for the IEEE Power & Energy Society are provided in Part 4 of the Author’s Kit. Information is given regarding desktop publishing format, type sizes, and typefaces. Style rules are provided that explain how to handle equations, units, figures, tables, references, abbreviations, and acronyms. Sections are also devoted to the preparation of acknowledgments, references, and authors’ biographies. An example of the desired layout for papers is provided in PDF format and as Microsoft Word templates.
Transactions papers are limited to 10 pages at submission. Papers exceeding 10 pages will be returned without review. Revised papers submitted in response to Revise and Resubmit decisions may exceed 10 pages. If an accepted paper’s final page count exceeds 12 pages and the paper was submitted January 1, 2024 or later, the authors MUST pay over-length page charges ($250 per additional page) to cover publishing costs in excess of the allotted publication budget.
Writing/Preparing Abstracts
The abstract is what users and researchers will read when deciding whether your article pertains to their interests and needs. For this reason, your abstract is an extremely important and powerful representation of your article. As an author, you should spend time ensuring that it is readable and that it contains a complete description of your research.
In approximately 150–200 words, you will need to summarize your findings, and describe the implications of those findings.
The abstract must be an accurate reflection of what is in your article as follows.
- Your abstract must be self-contained, without abbreviations, footnotes, or references. It should be a microcosm of the full article.
- Your abstract must be written as one paragraph, and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material.
- Your abstract should include three or four different keywords or phrases, as this will help readers to find it. (It is important to avoid over-repetition of such phrases as this can result in a page being rejected by search engines.)
- Ensure that your abstract reads well and is grammatically correct.
When submitting an abstract for your original research, it is important to state the primary objective and offer any tested hypotheses. Describe your research design and methodology and accurately state the following: the methods and procedures you employed, the main outcomes and results, and the conclusions that might be drawn from these data and results. Include any implications for further research or application/practice.
Graphical Abstract
The Transactions accept graphical abstracts and they must be peer reviewed. For more information about graphical abstracts and their specifications, please visit the following link:
Please note that the graphical abstract provided by the author will need to follow a standard naming convention. An author providing a graphical abstract should identify it as follows:
- For an image-only graphical abstract, the author should label it:
- For a video graphical abstract, the author needs to also include a cover image for the video to display as a still frame (or static image) in front of the video:
- For an audio graphical abstract, the author needs to also include a cover image for the audio file to display as a static image for the audio:
Submission Information
An author submits a manuscript by uploading a PDF file of the paper directly onto ScholarOne Manuscripts, a site on the World Wide Web where papers can be accessed by the Transactions Editors-in-Chief, Associate Editors, and Reviewers. (It is recommended that the PDF file be under 1 MB. Papers exceeding this file size may require a longer review time.) See Part 2 of the Author’s Kit for complete instructions.
Published PES conference proceedings papers may be submitted to the PES Transactions. However, they must be significantly upgraded (at least 60% new content) and are expected to comply with the IEEE policy regarding plagiarism as stated below.
IEEE Policy: “Authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor which is under review for another publication. If authors have used their own previously published work(s) as a basis for a new submission, they are required to cite the previous work(s) and very briefly indicate how the new submission offers substantively novel contributions beyond those of the previously published work(s).”
Upon Acceptance
Upon acceptance of a paper for publication, the author is required to upload the following final files to ScholarOne Manuscripts:
- LaTeX or Microsoft Word source file of the paper
- PDF file of the paper
- Separate graphics files in Word, eps, ps, tiff, ppt or Excel format if the graphics are not embedded in the source file
- Biosketches and photos of all authors.
In addition, the author will be required to submit a completed IEEE Copyright Form electronically via ScholarOne Manuscripts.
A proof of the paper will be sent to the corresponding author for review and approval.
Discussions and Closures
The IEEE PES Executive Office handles the submission of discussions and closures. Please see Part 5 of the Author’s Kit for complete submission requirements and deadlines. It is recommended that discussions and closures be limited to one formatted page including figures and tables, though contributions of up to 1500 words will be accepted. Discussions and closures may be rejected if they exceed the page limit and they must be submitted to the IEEE PES Executive Office by the deadline date. The IEEE PES Executive Office will forward copies of all written discussions to the corresponding author of the subject Transactions paper and will request that a written closure be submitted. Closures must be submitted within three weeks of the request. If there is no response by the deadline, it will be assumed that no closure will be supplied.
Power Engineering Letters
This section of the Transactions offers a vehicle that speeds publication of new results, discoveries, and developments. The section affords authors the opportunity to publish contributions within a few months of submission to ensure rapid dissemination of ideas and timely archiving of developments in our rapidly changing field. Original and significant contributions in applications, case studies, and research in all fields of power engineering are invited. Of specific interest are contributions defining emerging problems and special needs in specific areas. Authors are encouraged to submit contributions to the Letters Section offering new insight to established techniques, concepts, and methodologies in electric power engineering. Such contributions are distinctly different from discussions of papers recently published in the Transactions, in that the former seek to broaden the scope, and point to potential enhancements to existing and established technologies.
Original submissions are limited to 3 formatted pages. Revisions are limited to 3.5 pages. Letters exceeding these limits will not be reviewed. (See Mandatory Page Charges for Power Engineering Letters for additional information.)
An author submits a manuscript by uploading a PDF file of the letter directly onto ScholarOne Manuscripts where it can be accessed by the Power Engineering Letters Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, and Reviewers. See Part 2 of the Author’s Kit for complete instructions.
Open Access
The PES Transactions are hybrid journals, allowing either Traditional manuscript submission or Open Access (author-pays OA) manuscript submission. If you choose to have your manuscript be an Open Access article, you commit to pay the $2,495 OA fee if your manuscript is accepted for publication in order to enable unrestricted public access. Any other application charges (such as over-length page charge and/or charge for the use of color in the print format) will be billed separately once the manuscript formatting is complete but prior to the publication. If you would like your manuscript to be a Traditional submission, your article will be available to qualified subscribers and purchasers via IEEE Xplore. No OA payment is required for Traditional submission.
It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IEEE, its authors, and their employers, and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with United States copyright law, authors are required to sign and submit a completed IEEE Copyright Form. This form returns to authors and their employers full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes.
Voluntary Page Charges
After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author or his/her company or institution will be requested to pay a charge of $110 per page, for the first 12 published pages for manuscripts submitted January 1, 2024 or later, for the first 10 published pages for manuscripts submitted January 1, 2023–December 31, 2023, or for the first 8 published pages for manuscripts submitted prior to 2023. These voluntary page charges cover part of the cost of publication. Payment will not be obligatory nor a prerequisite for publication.
Mandatory Page Charges for Transactions Papers
The author or his/her company or institution will be billed $250 per each page in excess of the first 12 published pages for papers submitted January 1, 2024 or later, $200 per each page in excess of the first 10 published pages for papers submitted January 1, 2023–December 31, 2023, or $150 per each page in excess of the first 8 published pages for papers submitted prior to 2023. Payment of these charges is not negotiable or voluntary.
Mandatory Page Charges for Power Engineering Letters
Power Engineering Letters are limited to 3 pages upon submission. A half page may be added to respond to reviewer comments. If, in the revision and editing processes, the letter exceeds 3 pages, the author will be charged $250 for the 4th page for manuscripts submitted January 1, 2024 or later or $200 for manuscripts submitted January 1, 2023–December 31, 2023. The authors should strictly follow IEEE format and template so that the length of an accepted letter does not exceed 4 pages after revision and editing. Any letter more than 4 pages in length (after revision and formatting) will not be accepted for publication. If in editing/formatting the letter becomes 5 pages, the Publications Department and the authors need to work with the Editor-in-Chief to reduce the content to fit to 4 pages.
Color Charges
IEEE now offers the option to print figures in grayscale but post online free of charge. Any color figures submitted will be automatically processed by IEEE for online color. Figures may also be printed in color for a charge of $275 per color figure. Payment of these charges is not negotiable or voluntary.