Establishing Power Transformer Capability While Under Geomagnetic Disturbances
Geomagnetic Disturbances (GMD) is a phenomenon which is widely studied due to its impact on the operation of the electrical grid.
Machine Learning for Power Systems
Machine learning (ML) is one of the emerging technologies for implementing the next generation smart grid. In recent years, the PES community has witnessed significant efforts to explore the potential of machine learning for solving complex power system problems.
Processes and Benchmarks for Extreme Event Analysis in Power Systems
Extreme events, such as heat waves or very strong storms, may cause extensive damage and have substantial impacts on power systems, which post extreme challenges to system operation entities.
Mitigating Wildfires in a World of Climate Change
The realities of climate change effects every region differently.
Influence of Renewables on Switchgear Equipment
Over the last two decades, the integration of renewable energy sources and inverter-based technologies has increased significantly across the world.
IEEE Standards for Interconnection and Energy Management
Governments and corporations around the world have pledged to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050, if not sooner.
SF6 Gas Alternatives
IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Substations Committee’s Gas Insulated Substations Subcommittee and its K19 Working Group has a new guide currently being written.
Centralized Protection and Control (CPC) Systems within a Substation
Centralized Protection and Control (CPC) Systems within a Substation, the next great disruptive technology to design and implement electrical power substation protection and control systems is being examined today.
T&D – Decarbonization
As attention across the globe increasingly focuses on climate change, technically sound solutions are needed to support both climate adaptation and mitigation.
Decarbonized Sustainability In The Maritime Sector via Electrification
The topic of Decarbonized Sustainability In The Maritime Sector via Electrification was selected via a poll of the members of IEEE PES (MSCC) in November 2021.