Standards in Development
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IEEE PES Standards Process
Many of the PES Technical Committees and their Subcommittees create and maintain standardization documents related to the Committee scope of activity. There are three types of standardization document: Standard, Recommended Practice and Guide. These three types of document are generically referred to as “IEEE Standards”.
The American National Standard document development process is based on the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Essential Requirements for openness, balance, consensus and due process. The IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) oversees the IEEE standards development process.
The IEEE-SA Standards Development OnLine, SDOL, provides a step-by-step description of the IEEE standards development process, including forms and tools. Standards projects are started in the IEEE-SA with the approval of a PAR (Project Authorization Request). PARs define the sponsor, scope, purpose, and contact points for the document project. In the IEEE-SA list of active PARs all those with a sponsor code starting with PE/ are PES Technical Committees document projects.
There are two methods of participating in document development. First is to become a member of the PES Technical Committee group developing the document. The second approach is to join the document balloting pool. The cost of balloting pool membership depends on if the applicant already has membership to the IEEE or an IEEE society.
PES Standards in Development
- PC57.12.58 - Guide for Conducting a Transient Voltage Analysis of a Dry-Type Winding
This guide applies to the equipment setup, measurement, simulation, and analysis of the transient voltage response of a dry-type winding to a simulated impulse voltage waveform.
- PC57.161 - Guide for Dielectric Frequency Response Test for Liquid-immersed Transformers and Reactors
This guide is applicable to Dielectric Frequency Response (DFR) measurement and analysis for liquid-immersed transformers and reactors. The guide includes recommendations for instrumentation, procedures for performing the tests, and techniques for analyzing the data. This guide can be used in both field and factory applications.
- P1129 - Guide for Online Monitoring of Large Synchronous Generators (10 MVA and Above)
This document describes guidelines for online monitoring of large synchronous generators with ratings of 10 MVA and above. The scope includes generators with salient-pole rotors as well as generators with cylindrical rotors. This standard also provides basic information on the various online monitoring techniques described as well as […]
- PC62.39 - Standard for Test Methods and Preferred Values for Self-Restoring Current-Limiter Components Used in Telecommunication Surge Protection
This standard sets terms, test methods, test circuits, measurement procedures and preferred result values for series connected, self-restoring current-limiter components used in low-voltage telecommunication circuit surge protection. It is only applicable for components in telecommunications circuits with sinusoidal ringing voltages up to 150 V […]
- IEEE PC37.431.20 - IEEE Draft Guide for Protecting Transmission Dynamic Reactive Power Compensators
This guide outlines the design of protection systems for Dynamic Reactive Power Compensators (DRPC). The guide covers protection schemes and philosophies, instrument transformers, relay protection, control system protection, and testing related to the DRPC application. Differences between conventional substation and DRPC protection is discussed, […]
- PC37.30.2 - Guide for Wind-Loading Evaluation of High-Voltage (>1000 V) Air-Break Switches
This guide provides evaluation methods and application considerations for high-voltage (>1000 V) switches, as covered in IEEE Std C37.30.1(TM)-2011, under wind-loading conditions. This guide includes testing methods to meet both usual and unusual wind conditions.
- P43 - Standard for Testing Insulation Resistance of Electric Machinery
This document describes a procedure for measuring insulation resistance of armature and field windings in rotating machines rated 750 W or greater. It applies to synchronous machines, induction machines, dc machines, and synchronous condensers. It does not apply to fractional-horsepower machines. The document also describes typical insulation […]
- P316 - Standard Requirements for Direct Current Instrument Shunts
This standard provides requirements for shunts used for measuring current in direct current circuits. This standard does not apply to the following: a) Shunts for special military applications b) Internal shunts used as a part of a self contained ammeter c) Shunts for use as standards for calibration of measurement systems d) General purpose […]
- PC37.09 - Standard for Test Procedures for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers with Rated Maximum Voltage Above 1000 V
This standard applies to alternating current (ac) high-voltage circuit breakers with rated maximum voltage above 1000 V. It defines various tests that are made on ac high-voltage circuit breakers, except for generator circuit breakers, which are covered in IEC/IEEE 62271-37-013:2015. It specifies the tests and describes the accepted methods used […]
- PC62.41.1 - Guide for the Surge Environment in Low-Voltage (1000 V and less) AC Power Circuits
This guide describes the surge voltage, surge current, and temporary over voltage (TOV) environment in low-voltage up to 1000 V root mean square (rms) ac power circuits. The guide does not address other power disturbances such as notches, sags, and noise. The surges considered in this guide do no exceed on-half period of the normal mains waveform […]
Highlighted Standards
Standard Number: IEEE 1264 – 2022: IEEE Guide For Animal Mitigation for Electric Power Supply Substations
Standard Description: Documented in this guide are methods and designs to mitigate interruptions, equipment damage, and personnel safety issues resulting from animal intrusions into electric power supply substations, thereby improving reliability and safety, and minimizing the associated revenue loss.
Standard Number: IEEE 1366 – 2022: IEEE Guide For Electric Power Distribution Reliability Indices
Standard Description: Distribution reliability indices and factors that affect their calculations are defined in this guide. The indices are intended to apply to distribution systems, substations, circuits, and defined regions.
Standard Number: IEEE/ASHRAE 1635 – 2022: IEEE/ASHRAE Guide for the Ventilation and Thermal Management of Batteries for Stationary Applications
Standard Description: Vented lead-acid (VLA), valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA), nickel-cadmium (Ni-Cd – both fully vented and partially-recombinant types), and Li-ion stationary battery installations are discussed in this guide, written to serve as a bridge between the electrical designer and the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) designer. Ventilation of stationary battery installations is critical to improving battery life while reducing the hazards associated with hydrogen production (hydrogen production is not a concern with Li-ion under normal operating conditions [it is under thermal runaway conditions]). This guide describes battery operating modes and the hazards associated with each. It provides the HVAC designer with the information to provide a cost-effective ventilation solution.