Transformers Committee
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We are one of the largest and most active technical committees within the Power & Energy Society. The PES Transformers Committee celebrated 100 years of standards development in 2018 and we look forward to the next 100 years. Come join us!Who We Are
The Transformers Committee is comprised of technical and managerial representatives from manufacturers, consultants, vendors and end users of electrical transformers and components. The continuing scope of the Transformers Committee is to develop and update standards and guidelines for the design, testing, repair, installation, operation and maintenance of transformers, reactors and associated components that are used within electric utility and industrial power systems.Committee Scope
Treatment of all matters in which the dominant factors are the application, design, construction, testing and operation of transformers, reactors and other similar equipment. Included is treatment of the following:
- Transmission and Distribution Transformers
- Voltage Regulators (step and induction regulators)
- Reactors and Grounding Transformers
- HVDC Converter Transformers and Smoothing Reactors
- Dry Type and Power Semiconductor Rectifier Transformers
- Instrument Transformers (voltage and current transformers)
- Insulation and Dielectric Issues Relating to Transformers
- Outdoor Apparatus Bushings
- Insulating Fluids
- Subsurface Transformers and Network Protectors
- Phase Angle Regulating Transformers
Committee activities include sponsorship and development (either alone or jointly with other technical committees and/or organizations) of standards, recommended practices, guidelines and policies as well as preparation of position papers and/or documents, technical conferences and/or sessions on matters related to items above.
Liaison and cooperation with other technical committees, societies, groups and associations concerned with various aspects of items above are also included in the Committee Scope.
Bushing Subcommittee
Scope: Study and review engineering aspects of outdoor apparatus bushing having BIL of 110kV or above and used as components of power transformers, reactors and oil circuit breakers;
Develop and maintain related standards, recommended practices and guides for such products;
Standards, recommended practices and guides for such projects;
Coordinate with other technical committees, groups, societies and associations as required.
Chair: Eric Weatherbee, PCORE Electric
Dielectric Test Subcommittee
Scope: Study and review engineering aspects of test voltage requirements for service conditions, or conversely, voltage tests that will determine that service requirements are met for liquid filled transformers and reactors;
Develop and maintain related standards, recommended practices and guides for such criteria;
Coordinate with other technical committees, groups, societies and associations as required.
Chair: Dr. Poorvi Patel, EPRI
Distribution Transformers
Scope: Studying and reviewing engineering aspects of overhead, pad mounted, and unit substation transformers;
Evaluation of enclosure integrity and surface coatings;
Developing and maintaining related standards, recommended practices, and guides for such products;
Coordinating with other technical committees, groups, societies, and associations as required.
Chair: Jerry Murphy, Reedy Creek Energy Services
Dry Type Transformers
Scope: Study and review engineering aspects of those transformers and reactors in which a significant component of the internal insulation is air or other insulating gas;
Develop and maintain related standards, recommended practices and guides for such products;
Coordinate with other technical committees, groups, societies and associations as required.
Chair: Casey Ballard, Dupont Protection Solution
Transformers and Reactors for HVDC Applications
Scope: Studying and reviewing engineering aspects of the requirements, design, testing, and installation of HVDC converter transformers, smoothing reactors, and converter reactors. Only converter reactors for DC transmission located at the converter arms are dealt with;
Developing and maintaining related standards, recommended practices, and guides for such product;
Coordinating with other technical committees, groups, societies, and associations as required.
Chair: Ulf Radbrandt, HVDC System Design and Simulation PGGI/DCSYSTST
Instrument Transformers
Scope: Study and review the engineering aspects of instrument current transformers and inductively coupled instrument voltage transformers;
Develop and maintain related standards, recommended practices and guides for such products;
Coordinate with other technical committees, groups, societies and associations as required.
Chair: Thomas Sizemore, ABB Inc.
Insulating Fluids
Scope: Study and review the engineering aspects of electrical insulating fluid properties for use in transformers and other electrical apparatus;
Consider matters pertaining to acceptance, maintenance and handling of such fluids. Determine the effect of various treatments, aging in service, gas evolution and other phenomena on the fluids’ properties and determine the criteria for serviceability of the equipment;
Develop and maintain related standards, recommended practices and guides for such criteria;
Coordinate with other technical committees, groups, societies and associations as required.
Chair: Stephaney Mabrey, Weidmann Electrical Technology Inc.
Insulation Life
Scope: Study and review methods to determine maximum safe insulation temperatures, ambient temperatures, insulation aging characteristics, safe duration of loads in excess of nameplate (including short circuits) and also to determine methods of calculating or measuring temperatures reached during both transient and steady state loads;
Develop and maintain related standards, recommended practices and guides for such criteria;
Coordinate with other technical committees, groups, societies and associations as required.
Chair: Samuel Sharpless, Rimkus Consulting Group, Inc.
Performance Characteristics
Scope: Study and review the treatment of loss, impedance, exciting current, inrush current and other performance characteristics and their methods of application, measurement or test for liquid filled transformers and reactors;
Develop and maintain related standards, recommended practices and guides for such criteria;
Coordinate with other technical committees, groups, societies and associations as required.
Chair: Rogerio Verdolin, Verdolin Solutions Inc.
Power Transformers
Scope: Study and review engineering aspects of liquid filled power transformers, including transmission transformers, primary unit substation transformers, generator step-up transformers, phase angle regulating transformers, and related products;
Develop and maintain related standards, recommended practices and guides for such products;
Coordinate with other technical committees, groups, societies and associations as required.
Chair: Ryan Musgrove, Oklahoma Gas & Electric
Scope: Responsible for cognizance of current status of standards sponsored by the Committee;
Coordinate revision work of base standards by maintaining a list of requested changes and assigning them to the appropriate Technical Subcommittees;
Coordinate inputs into a complete and logical document for submission to the Standards Board;
Ensure that the terminology and units used in standards developed by the Committee, correspond to what is internationally accepted;
Coordinate activities with IEEE Standards Board and Standards Coordinators of other Technical Committees.
One mission of the Standards Subcommittee to periodically produce a comparison study of the IEEE Transformer standards and the corresponding IEC standards (e.g. IEEE C57.12.00, and C57.12.90, vs. IEC 60076-1). As such, the Standards Subcommittee has appointed a standing Task Force for this mission. The purpose of this internal study is to periodically provide a list of major differences between IEEE and IEC standards to the members of the Transformers Committee working groups that are preparing revisions of these documents. This Task Force may also include comparisons of other standards and guides commonly used for Power Transformers. Working Groups should harmonize standards as best as they can, as they develop these standards for the industry. This is an internal document intended only for members of the Transformer Committee.
Chair: Daniel Sauer, EATON Corporation
Subsurface Transformers and Network Protectors Subcommittee
Scope: Study and review the engineering aspects of secondary network protectors and secondary network transformers (liquid filled and dry-type) and three phase subsurface type distribution transformers rated 2500 kVA and smaller, with a high voltage of 35,000 volts and below, and a low voltage of 480 volts and below;
Develop and maintain related standards, recommended practices and guides for such products;
Coordinate with other technical committees, groups, societies and associations as required.
Chair: George Payerle, Carte International Inc.
- Visit the Transformers website >
- Download Transformers Committee flyer [PDF 976KB]
- Download the Transformers Committee O&P Manual [PDF 323KB]
Most Recent Annual Report
2023 [PDF 325KB]