Surge Protective Devices Committee (SPDC)
Home / Technical Activities / Committees of the Technical Council / Surge Protective Devices Committee (SPDC)
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This is where it all happens! Anyone interested in learning more about the Surge Protective Devices Committee and helping advance the Committee’s work is welcome to attend. Join industry leaders to discuss and develop standards and technical issues involving the protection of electrical system and circuits using surge protective devices. Volunteer and participate as much as possible. The Surge Protective Devices Committee is comprised of volunteers and participation is highly encouraged!Who We Are
The Surge Protective Devices Committee (SPDC) is one of many Standards Developing Technical Committees of the IEEE Power & Energy Society. The SPDC is comprised of representatives from surge protective device and component designers, product managers, providers, manufacturers, vendors, consultants, certification bodies, and end users. The Committee’s output include IEEE Standards, recommended practices, and guides along with white papers and industry presentations. We also organize panel sessions at PES conferences, publish working group papers in IEEE journals, and develop in-depth tutorials on emerging technologies and new standards. The Committee’s standards work provides a crucial service to society’s need for protection against surges from all sources in an effort to increase the reliability, uptime, and productivity of electrical equipment and systems.Committee Scope
Treatment of all matters in which the dominant factors are the design, construction, testing, preparation of IEEE standards, recommended practices, guides and conformity assessment procedures, selection, application and integration of protective devices with auxiliary systems and equipment (such as shield wires, lightning masts, etc.) designed to prevent damage and/or outages to electrical power generation, transmission, distribution, utilization and communication systems, and associated equipment due to overvoltages or overcurrents or both created by external or internal electrical surge events (such as lightning, utility switching or internal system or equipment operation). Included is treatment of the following: Overvoltage surge protective devices (such as surge arresters, surge protective devices, protective gaps, and surge protective capacitors). Neutral grounding devices (such as grounding reactors and grounding transformers – jointly with the Transformer Committee – resistors and combinations thereof). Lightning and switching surge investigations jointly with the Transmission and Distribution Committee. Promotion of studies, technical papers, and discussions on the performance of devices, seeking new contributions on improved recommended practices, and updating bibliographies, standards, and guides. Matters relating to surge protective devices specifically designed for application covered by other technical committees of IEEE or societies), may be treated jointly if the emphasis is on the particular requirements of the application. SPDs that are employed in the generation, transmission, distribution, and utilization of electrical energy including the effects of such devices on the system’s operation. SPDs that are employed in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) systems and circuits including the effects of such devices on the system’s operation. Treatment of the techniques and needs for coordination within, between, and among SPDs and their environment, to the extent that these factors affect protection functions or performance. The environment includes such items as insulation coordination and the application of system-neutral grounding devices. Sponsorship and development (either alone or jointly with other technical committees and/or organizations) of standards, recommended practices, guidelines, and policies as well as preparation of position papers and/or documents, technical conferences, and/or sessions on matters related to items above. Liaison and cooperation with other technical committees, societies, subcommittees, and associations concerned with various aspects of the items above.Subcommittees
High-Voltage Surge Protective Devices Subcommittees (SC 3.3, 3.4, 3.5)
Low-Voltage Surge Protective Devices Subcommittee (SC 3.6)
Bibliography and Definitions Subcommittee (SC 3.2)
Web and Electronic Documentation Subcommittee (SC 3.7)
High-Voltage Surge Protective Devices Subcommittees (SC 3.3, 3.4, 3.5)
High-Voltage Surge Protective Devices Subcommittees (SC 3.3, 3.4, 3.5)
- Treatment of all matters in which the dominant factors are the design, testing, construction, characteristics and application of devices to prevent damage to electrical power generation, transmission, distribution and utilization systems, rated above 1000 volts ac or 1500 volts dc, due to transient overvoltages.
- Treatment of all types and classes of surge arresters, protective gaps, and surge protective capacitors.
- Treatment of system neutral grounding and insulation coordination.
- Develop and maintain related standards, recommended practices, and guides for such products.
- Coordinate with other technical committees, groups, societies, and associations as required.
Michael Champagne, Chair
IEEE SA Program Manager: Christian Orlando
Low-Voltage Surge Protective Devices Subcommittee (SC 3.6)
Low-Voltage Surge Protective Devices Subcommittee (SC 3.6)
- Treatment of all matters in which the dominant factors are the design, construction, characteristics, performance, preparation of standards, selection, and application of surge protective devices designed to prevent damage to circuits and associated equipment for power services rated 1000 Volts (ac) or 1500 V (dc) and less, information and communications technologies services and combinations of both due to overvoltages, overcurrents, or both.
- Mutual collaboration of the Low Voltage Subcommittee and High Voltage Subcommittee may result in guidance provided for surge protection of equipment connected to low voltage circuits and medium voltage distribution circuits. An example of this mutual collaboration is the Smart Grid Surge Protection Guide Working Group.
- Due to advancing technologies and ingenious designs, surge protective devices may contain any combination of linear or non-linear components. Such applications fall within this scope.
- Coordinate with other technical committees, groups, societies and associations as required.
James Moellmann, Chair
IEEE SA Program Manager: Christian Orlando
Bibliography and Definitions Subcommittee (SC 3.2)
Bibliography and Definitions Subcommittee (SC 3.2)
- Preparation and distribution to the Committee membership of current references pertaining to the design, construction, testing, performance, safety, selection and application of SPDs.
- Review definitions developed within the SPDC to determine compliance with existing terms in the SPDC Dictionary of Terms, IEEE Dictionary of Standard Terms and IEEE Standards Definitions Database and coordinate this activity with other Standards organizations, including IEC, TIA, etc.
- Review new component symbols developed within the SPDC in digital format to determine graphic compliance with existing symbols in the IEEE “Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams” document and coordinate this activity with Subcommittee 3.7, and other Standards organizations, including IEC, TIA, etc. Develop and maintain related standards, recommended practices, and guides for such products.
- Coordinate with other technical committees, groups, societies, and associations as required.
IEEE SA Program Manager: Christian Orlando
Web and Electronic Documentation Subcommittee (SC 3.7)
Web and Electronic Documentation Subcommittee (SC 3.7)
The purpose of the Web and Electronic Documentation Subcommittee is to provide members working in the SPD standards, technical development and information sharing processes with assistance in the use of IT (Information Technology) tools.
- Promoting the uniform use of modern technology in standards and member development
- Assisting in the electronic preparation and revision of SPDC standards
- Dealing with requests and problems related to using SPDC Web facilities
- Maintenance of the SPDC Web content and structure
- Develop and maintain related standards, recommended practices, and guides for such products
- Coordinate with other technical committees, groups, societies, and associations as required.
IEEE SA Program Manager: Christian Orlando
Upcoming Events
- No upcoming events are scheduled at this time.
- Download the Surge Protective Devices Committee (SPDC) Flyer [PDF 152KB]
- Download the Surge Protective Devices Committee (SPDC) O&P Manual [PDF 264KB]
- SPDC Standards Association Information
Most Recent Annual Report
- 2014 [PDF 151KB]