Substations Committee
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Join Us
This is where it all happens! Anyone interested in learning more about the Substations Committee and helping advance the Committee’s work is welcome to attend. Join industry leaders to discuss the treatment of matters related to the design, construction, testing, and maintenance of electric power transmission and distribution stations including switching stations, and substations. Volunteer participation is highly encouraged.Who We Are
The IEEE PES Substations Committee is the professional home for engineers involved in the design and operation of electrical substations used for generation, transmission and distribution. Moreover, committee activities include development of not only industry standards, but also educational material, for instance, technical papers, white papers, presentations, tutorials and panel discussions.Committee Scope
The scope of the PES Substations Committee encompasses technical areas of responsibility, technical activities, and advocacy responsibilities. Technical areas of responsibility include the treatment of matters related to the design, construction, testing, and maintenance of electric power transmission and distribution stations including switching stations, and substations.
Electrical Substation Design Subcommittee (SCD0)
Scope: Responsible for treatment of all matters pertaining to the design and construction of Transmission and Distribution Substations, and the application of switching devices and other equipment, instrumentation and protective and control equipment in Transmission and Distribution Substations.
Shashikant Patel, Chair
Public Service Electric and Gas
Web Page:
IEEE SA Program Manager: Patricia Order
Substation Civil Design Subcommittee (SCE0)
Scope: Responsible for treatment of all matters relating to safety, operations and location of transmission and distribution substations as to their effect on personnel and the environment of the adjacent community. Special emphasis shall be made to the factors that must be considered in design safety, fire protection (other?) such as aesthetic treatment, overall visual appearance, erosion control, security, and oil spill containment. Audible noise, electromagnetic interference, and electrical interference shall be considered as far as the zoning acceptance is concerned. The intent of all design considerations is to influence the ultimate acceptance of the substation by the community.
Charlie Li, Chair
Burns & McDonnell
Web Page:
IEEE SA Program Manager: Patricia Order
Substation Grounding and Lightning (SCG0)
Scope: Substation equipment protection and electrical safety including grounding, lightning, arc flash, minimum approach distances, and live work.
Web Page:
IEEE SA Program Manager: Patricia Roder
FACTS and HVDC Stations Subcommittee (SC10)
Scope: Responsible for all matters related to engineering design, construction, commissioning, and operation of FACTS and HVDC stations in both transmission and distribution systems. Focus is given to the specification and application of HV power electronics in the development of standards, guides, recommended practices, papers, panels, and tutorials.
David Langner, Chair
Siemens Energy
Web Page:
IEEE SA Program Manager: Patricia Roder
Gas Insulated Substations Subcommittee (SCK0)
Scope: Responsible for review, study, and document the design, application, installation, testing, operating and maintenance practices for gas-insulated substations (GIS) rated 1 kV and above, gas-insulated transmission lines (GIL) rated 72.5 kV and above and Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) gas.
Peter Grossmann, Chair
RCM Engineering
Web Page:
IEEE SA Program Manager: Patricia Roder
Upcoming Events
- Joint Technical Committee Meeting (Annual, January)
- T&D Conference and Exposition (Bi-annual, April/May)
- Substations Committee Meeting (Annual, May/June)
- PES General Meeting (Annual, July/August)
- Annual Meeting is scheduled to be hosted by Entergy in New Orleans from Monday, May 12th thru Friday, May 16th, 2025
- Committee website:
- Download the Substations Committee Flyer [PDF 1MB]
- Download the Substations Committee O&P Manual [PDF]
Most Recent Annual Report
- 2023 [PDF 184KB]