Analytic Methods for Power Systems (AMPS) Committee
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This is where it all happens! Anyone interested in learning more about the Analytical Methods for Power Systems (AMPS) Committee and helping advance the Committee’s work is welcome to attend. Join industry leaders to discuss the analytic and computational methods for electric power and energy. Volunteer and participate as much as possible.
Who We Are
The Analytic Methods for Power Systems (AMPS) Technical Committee is a standards developing committee of the IEEE Power & Energy Society. Our members are industry leaders, practitioners, students and academics with a common professional interest in analytic and computational methods for electric power and energy. Before the IEEE Power and Energy Society Technical Committee reorganization, effective July 2016, the AMPS Technical Committee and the majority of its subcommittees was referred to as the IEEE PES Technical Committee on Power System Analysis, Computing and Economics (PSACE).
Committee Scope
- Investigate modeling, analysis and solution methodologies, computational tools and techniques, and the effective application of computing and intelligent systems to the various operational, planning, economic, risk, and uncertainty assessment, management, and decision-making problems in bulk power and distribution systems. Initiate and coordinate studies, symposia, panel discussions, and tutorials related to the subjects of this area.
- Coordinate activities, where possible, with other groups on analytical models used in the study of system dynamic performance, system planning, system operations, and distribution system analysis. activities.
Committee Chair
Stephen S. Miller, Chair
Energy Emissions Intelligence, Inc.
Vice Chair
Yanfeng Gong
Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
Henry Huang
Argonne National Laboratory
Past Chair
Kwok W. Cheung
GE Grid Solutions
Technical Committee Program Chair
Zita A. Vale
Polytechnic of Porto
Standards Coordinator
Chris Dent
The University of Edinburgh
Upcoming Events
- IEEE PES General Meeting 2024 Technical Meeting: IEEE PES Technical Committee on Analytic Methods for Power Systems (AMPS) welcomes to attend the committee and subcommittee technical meetings for the incoming IEEE PES General Meeting 2024 from 21–25 July 2024 in Seattle, Washington.
Big Data Analytics Subcommittee (BDAS)
Scope: This subcommittee will bring together leaders from industry, academia, and government and meet regularly (both face-to-face meetings and Web-based conference calls) to define the architectural, computational, and practical challenges and opportunities brought by the emerging big data in the smart grid. The subcommittee will serve as a professional society hub to enable collective efforts towards defining a big data-driven grid operation roadmap.
Hung-Ming Chou, Chair
Dominion Energy
Web Page:
IEEE SA Program Manager: Vanessa Lalitte
Computing and Analytic Methods Subcommittee (CAMS)
Scope: The subcommittee mission is to serve as a bridge between the technical areas of sophisticated analytical modeling/algorithms and state-of-the-art information technologies, especially the integration and computing methodologies.
Olivera Kotevska, Chair
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Web Page:
IEEE SA Program Manager: Vanessa Lalitte
Distribution System Analysis Subcommittee (DSAS)
Scope: The scope of the subcommittee is to 1) investigate the development and application of analytical methodologies and computational techniques for solving, analysis, computing, application, and management of distribution system problems, 2) sponsor and promote technical papers, technical sessions, and workshops for effective dissemination of technical knowledge related to the subcommittee activities and 3) coordinate such activities where appropriate with other IEEE committees and subcommittees.
Arturo Bretas, Chair
Sandia National Laboratory
Web Page:
IEEE SA Program Manager: Vanessa Lalitte
Intelligent Systems Subcommittee (ISS)
Scope: The Intelligent System Applications (ISA) Subcommittee investigates the development and applications of intelligent system methodologies and tools for problem-solving in power system engineering. These intelligent system techniques include expert systems, knowledge engineering, artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, machine learning, evolutionary algorithms, and heuristic search methods.
Sukumar Mishra, Chair
IIT Delhi
Web Page:
IEEE SA Program Manager: Vanessa Lalitte
Risk, Reliability and Probability Applications Subcommittee (RRPAS)
Scope: 1) Study, review and foster the development, application and dissemination of probabilistic and other methods for dealing with reliability, uncertainty and risk assessment in the planning, design, operation and management of all phases of electric power systems; 2) Review technical papers and conduct paper sessions, organize panel sessions, update or develop industry guides, and develop position papers and 3) Cooperate with other IEEE Committees and other professional and technical organizations in these activities.
Visvakumar Aravinthan, Chair
Wichita State University
Web Page:
IEEE SA Program Manager: Vanessa Lalitte
Transient Analysis and Simulations Subcommittee (TASS)
Scope: Analysis of the transmission and distribution system transient phenomena in their broadest sense; modeling and analysis of power system including distributed resources, power system switching, dynamic and temporary overvoltages, ferroresonance phenomenon, and insulation coordination; advanced digital simulation techniques of power system transients and faults; State-of-the-art simulation and analysis of FACTS and other custom power devices, power system transient measurement techniques; geomagnetically induced currents, and etc.
Dr. Reynaldo Ramos, Chair
Southern Company, US
Web Page:
IEEE SA Program Manager: Vanessa Lalitte
- Download the Transmission & Distribution Committee Flyer [PDF 979KB]
- Download the Transmission & Distribution Committee O&P Manual [PDF 107KB]
Most Recent Annual Report
2023 [PDF 233KB]