[[DRAFT] Power & Energy Magazine
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Artificial Intelligence and the Power Grid
Published: November/December 2024
Details: Volume 22, Issue 6
In this issue:
- Artificial Intelligence for Microgrid Resilience
- South Korean Power System Operation and Renewable Integration
- Smart Meter Data Sharing for AI-Enhanced Energy Systems
- Toward Artificial-IntelligenceEmpowered Smarter Power Grid
- Empowering the Grid Edge to Think
- No Silver Bullet
- Unleashing Artificial Intelligence
- Can Machine Learning Help Keep the System Secure?
- Bridging Industry 4.0 and Power Systems
- Communication Solutions for the Last Mile of Smart Grid
About the Magazine
Impact Factor: 3.1
Launched in 2003, the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) has published IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, a bimonthly magazine dedicated to disseminating information on all matters of interest to electric power engineers and other professionals involved in the electric power industry. Feature articles focus on advanced concepts, technologies, and practices associated with all aspects of electric power from a technical perspective in synergy with nontechnical areas such as business, environmental, and social concerns. IEEE Power & Energy Magazine keeps its readers up-to-date on the latest technological advancements, industry news, business trends and strategies, products, and publications. Important newsworthy items concerning the worldwide activities and achievements of PES, its organizational units, and its individual members are included. The publication is available in a printed copy and on the web.
Digital Edition Subscription Rates:
Non-Member rate: US $75.00
IEEE Professional Member rate: US $35.00
IEEE Student Member rate: US $18.00
Sponsoring society member rate: included with membership
Sponsoring society student member rate: included with membership
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Aviva Rothman
Naylor Association Solutions
5950 NW 1st Place
Gainesville, FL 32607
Phone: 352-333-3435
(800) 369-6220 Ext: 3435
Power & Energy Magazine Editorial Board:
Innocent Kamwa, Univ of Laval/Hydro-Québec, Canada
Associate Editors:
Babak Badrzadeh, Aurecon, Australia
Brian Johnson, Univ of Idaho, USA
Julia Matevosyan ERCOT, Independent Consultant, USA
John Paserba, Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc, USA
Mariana Vaiman, V&R Energy, USA
Yanli Liu, Tianjin University, China
Jianhui Wang, Southern Methodist Univ, USA
Géza Joos, McGill University, Canada
Editorial Board Members:
Lindsay Anderson, Cornell Univ, USA
Luiz Barroso, Institute for Research in Technology, ICAI, Comillas Pontifical Univ of Madrid, Brazil
Antonio Conejo, Ohio State Univ, USA
Maria Teresa, Correia de Barros, Univ of Lisbon, Portugal
Hannele Holttinen, Recognis Oy, Finland
Hong Chen, PJM, USA
Shinichi Imai, Takaoka Toko, Japan
Chul-Hwan Kim, Sungyunkwan Univ, S. Korea
Patrick Panciatici, RTE (French ISO-TSO), France
Debra Lew, Energy Systems Integration Group, USA
Damir Novosel, Quanta Technology, USA
Antje Orths, Energinet, Denmark
Caixia Wang, State Grid Energy Research Institute, China
Distinguished Advisors:
Nikos Hatziargyriou, NTUA (National Technical Univ of Athens), Greece
Mani Venkata, Venkata Consulting Solutions LLC, USA
Steve Widergren, PNNL (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory), USA
Power & Energy Magazine Spanish Editorial Board:
Guadalupe Gonzalez, National Secretariat of Energy, Panama, Panama
Editorial Board Members:
Mario Baquedano, University of Florida Power Lab, Honduras, Honduras
Jaime Cerda, University of Michoacan, Mexico, Mexico
Submission Information:
Each issue of IEEE Power & Energy Magazine includes several articles that contribute to a theme. The great majority of articles are invited papers managed by guest editors. On occasion, the opportunity arises to include an unsolicited submission.
For consideration for publication in IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, articles should be submitted as Word files in single-column format. All text components of the article should be included, with all graphics, tables, and sidebar material shown in their desired location within the body of the article. Articles are limited to 6 magazine pages, corresponding to approximately 5,000 words, including graphics. Submissions should be submitted via the P&E Magazine Author Portal.
Guidelines for authors can be downloaded HERE and a template for articles can be downloaded HERE.
Following approval, authors will submit their final files via the Manuscript Central paper submission site. Instructions will be in the acceptance email. Text files must include all text components of the article (e.g., body of the article, figure captions, tables, sidebars, if any, and brief author biographies), and should be submitted in Microsoft Word. Separate graphics files (300 dpi minimum) should be submitted in encapsulated postscript (.eps), TIFF (.tif), or JPG format; name each file according to its relationship to the article, e.g., fig1.eps, fig2.tif, etc.
Prior to publication, you will receive a review copy of your edited text for final approval and be required to sign an online IEEE Copyright Form.
Please note that a magazine article differs considerably from a technical paper which is prepared for Transactions status. Magazine articles do not contain abstracts, keywords, conclusions, and references (though suggested “further readings” are acceptable). Magazine articles do not employ equations or formulas; “if it cannot be said in words, it does not belong in a magazine article.” Also, as Power & Energy Magazine is a four-color publication, articles should be accompanied with informative graphics, photos, and screen captures to enhance their content and be attractive to readers.
Upcoming Issue Themes:
Note the production themes change sometimes, that’s why the themes are not tied to a specific issue.
- Grid Communications
- Making EVs and Grid Work Together
- Digital Twins For Power systems
- Inverter-Based Resources Dominated (IBR) System Operation
- Vision Of The Future End-To-End Network
- Energy Justice
- Offshore Transmission Technologies
- AI to Enhance Power System Capabilities: Modelling, Operation and Control
- Advances in Wide-area Measurement, Control and Protection Systems (WAMS/WACS/WAMPAC)
- HVDC and FACTS – Revolutionizing Low Carbon Electricity Grids