G Kumar Venayagamoorthy
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Distributed Artificial Intelligence for Modern Power Systems
The modern power system, also referred to as smart grid, is the transformation of the traditional power system to one that is conscious, intelligent, distributed, and flexible. Such an electric power grid architecture can facilitate the distributed and secure flow of power from renewable energy sources including solar and wind. Smart grid operations and control is complex, now dealing with variable power and energy sources, bidirectional power flows, and uncertainty in forecasting and real- time availability of generation, loads, energy storage and other operational resources. Furthermore, modern power system operations will involve flexible loads and energy storage including electric vehicles. This talk will address the potentials and promises of Distributed Artificial Intelligence (AI) for modern power system operations and control. AI has evolved over the last 50 years to impact complex systems operations and control in a meaningful way. Examples of distributed AI technologies for stable, secure, reliable, and efficient operations and control in for the evolving electric power grid will be presented.Demand Response Management with Distributed Energy Resources (DRM-DERs)
With the high proliferation of distributed energy resources including solar power and EVs, curtailments and higher capacity reserves are required for a reliable power system operation. Electric utilities can leverage predictions to issue demand request (DR) requests considering resource adequacy and operational costs. Consumers can be formed as virtually connected communities, and aggregators can facilitate electric utilities by providing situational intelligence and distributing DR requests among consumers. Advances in DR management frameworks for the grid of the future will be presented.Computational Intelligence (CI) and Energy Systems with Emphasis on Undergraduate and Graduate Education
This talk will present the main paradigms of CI and their integration to develop hybrid intelligent systems. The paradigms covered are artificial immune systems (AISs), evolutionary computing (EC), fuzzy systems (FSs), neural networks (NNs) and swarm intelligence (SI). While individual CI paradigms have been applied successfully to solve real-world problems, the current trend is to develop hybrids of these paradigms since no one paradigm is superior to any other for solving all types of problems. In doing so, respective strengths of individual components in a hybrid CI system are capitalized while their weaknesses are eliminated. This talk is at introductory level and the objective is to excite undergraduate and graduate students and expose them at an early stage in their degree program and career to computational intelligence and real-world applications of CI with emphasis on energy systems. Typical examples of undergraduate and graduate research projects in CI applied to different aspects of energy systems will be presented.Internet of Things in Smart Grids
A transformation is underway in electric power and energy systems (EPESs) to provide clean distributed energy for sustainable global economic growth. Internet of Things (IoT) is at the forefront of this transformation imparting capabilities, such as real-time monitoring, situational awareness and intelligence, control, and cyber security to transform the existing EPES into intelligent cyber-enabled EPES, which is more efficient, secure, reliable, resilient, and sustainable. This talk will provide an assessment of the role, impact, and challenges of IoT in transforming EPESs towards smart grids.© Copyright 2023 IEEE — All rights reserved. A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.