News & Announcements

2025 Election – IEEE PES Officers

On 20 January 2025, the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Governing Board approved the following candidates for the offices of 2026/2027: President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary.

IEEE PES President-Elect

IEEE PES Secretary

IEEE PES Treasurer

Additional information on candidates will be available on the PES website by 1 May 2025. Election ballots will be distributed to the PES membership on 16 July 2025. To be counted, the ballot must be received by 12:00 noon Eastern Time on 1 October 2025.

If you have questions on the overall election process, please email .

IEEE Petition Process

Individuals may submit a petition to be included in the ballot provided the petition is submitted at least 28 days before the election date (18 June).  The number of signatures required depends on the number of eligible IEEE PES voters listed in the official IEEE membership records as of 31 December 2024. To be considered a petition candidate, an individual must have the signatures of at least 615 eligible PES voters.

Signatures can be submitted electronically through the official IEEE Society annual election website or by signing and mailing a paper petition. The name of each member signing the paper petition shall be clearly printed or typed. For identification purposes of signatures on paper petitions, membership numbers or addresses as listed in the official IEEE membership records shall be included. Only signatures submitted electronically through the IEEE Society annual elections website or original signatures on paper petitions shall be accepted. Facsimiles or other copies of the original signature shall not be accepted.

If you have questions about the petition process, please contact IEEE staff at .