Flexibility in Sustainable Electricity Systems: Multivector and Multisector Nexus Perspectives
As environmental concerns increase, researchers, policy makers, and the public in general are becoming more interested in options to make energy more sustainable while at the same time ensuring that energy systems are affordable, reliable, and resilient. This dynamic is bringing about challenges across the world, as established energy systems (such as those in cities) must be enhanced to integrate large volumes of renewable energy sources (RES), while new or evolving systems (for instance, in developing economies) must be planned to manage the increasingly extreme conditions associated with climate change.
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Hydrogen-Electric Aircraft Technologies and Integration: Enabling an Environmentally Sustainable Aviation Future
As the global community grapples with growing concerns of a changing climate, many eyes have turned to the sustainability of the transportation sector. In the United States, transportation is currently the leading category contributing to all greenhouse gas emissions, producing more emissions per year than the electricity generation, industry, commercial and residential, and agricultural sectors individually. As various transportation modes transition to more sustainable models, such as with the use of battery-electric vehicles, the aviation sector has struggled to identify effective solutions for future sustainability goals, largely due to the difference in power and energy requirements of aircraft, as compared to other vehicles.
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Data-Driven Engineering: The Reliability and Resilience of the North American Bulk Power System [Technology Leaders]
Electricity is an essential need for modern society. Nearly everything we do relies on safe and affordable electric energy. The constant demand for reliable energy delivery exists during a time of rapid changes to and evolutions of the bulk power system (BPS) in North America. Inverter-based resources, such as wind, solar photovoltaic (PV), battery energy storage systems, and hybrid plants, continue to transform the mix of BPS-connected generating resources. Sustainability and climate change initiatives are driving innovations in end-use loads, such as the electrification of the transportation sector.
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Smart Cities for a Sustainable Urbanization: Illuminating the Need for Establishing Smart Urban Infrastructures
Cities with substantial population growth continue to encounter economic, social, and environmental challenges in their daily operations. Figure 1 shows how the urban population, in which more than 55% of the globe’s people currently live, has nearly quadrupled since the 1950s. Globally, urbanization is expected to encompass 70% of the world population by 2050, resulting in an unprecedented increase in the consumption of existing resources.
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