Operational Security in 100% Inverter-Based Power Systems: Experiences from Hawai‘i

The integration of renewable generation in electrical power systems is exponentially increasing for multiple reasons. First, a fast decarbonization of the electrical energy system is a critical milestone to slow climate change and facilitate the decarbonization of other energy sectors, such as transportation and heat. Second, renewable generation from wind and solar have become much cheaper compared to conventional sources like gas, coal, and nuclear. Third, renewable generation is in many cases decentralized, which increases the resilience of the energy system, for example, in the face of natural disasters.
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Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft: Hydrogen-Electric Hybrid Propulsion for Aviation

The ever-increasing demand for passenger air travel means unprecedented aircraft market growth in the coming decades. However, large airline fleets lead to serious environmental concerns. A clear goal was set during the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26): securing global net-zero emissions by midcentury while keeping 1.5 °C of temperature rise within reach. Hydrogen (H 2 ) propulsion technology provides one of the most promising opportunities to meet this target and decarbonize global aviation. Thus, this article reviews and collates state-of-the-art research related to H 2 –electric hybrid aircraft. After introducing the potential benefits of H 2 propulsion, fuel cell (FC) auxiliary power in airplanes and H 2 FC-powered aircraft are discussed.
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Strengthening Transmission System Resilience Against Extreme Weather Events by Undergrounding Selected Lines

Natural disasters, such as extreme weather events (EWEs), can cause significant damage to power systems. In fact, it is expected that the intensity and frequency of EWEs will increase the next years due to climate change, making power system resilience enhancement necessary. This paper proposes a transmission resilience planning solution by determining the lines to be placed underground in order to minimize load shedding in the most cost-efficient way taking into account historical EWEs (HEWEs).
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Multi-Energy Microgrids: Designing, Operation Under New Business Models, and Engineering Practices in China

With the global awareness of climate change and environmental problems, major powers over the world have set their goals to contribute to a low-carbon society. China announced the target of “carbon peak and carbon neutrality,” requiring a cleaner, carbonfree, economic, and sustainable energy system. To this end, there are two promising approaches. The first is to increase the penetration of clean energies, such as wind power and photovoltaics (PVs). This can reduce carbon emissions effectively.
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Resilience Enhancement With Sequentially Proactive Operation Strategies

Extreme weather events, many of which are climate change related, are occurring with increasing frequency and intensity and causing catastrophic outages, reminding the need to enhance the resilience of power systems. This paper proposes a proactive operation strategy to enhance system resilience during an unfolding extreme event. The uncertain sequential transition of system states driven by the evolution of extreme events is modeled as a Markov process. At each decision epoch, the system topology is used to construct a Markov state. Transition probabilities are evaluated according to failure rates caused by extreme events.
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An Innovative Coalitional Trading Model for a Biomass Power Plant Paired With Green Energy Resources

The role of biomass resources to diminish the dependency on fossil fuels is steadily increasing worldwide. More importantly, governments set goals to boost the share of renewable energy resources in the power sector to face up to global warming issues. In this paper, a coalitional game model for the trading of a Biomass Power Plant (BPP) paired with a concentrating solar power facility and a wind park is proposed.
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Robust Energy and Reserve Dispatch Under Variable Renewable Generation

Global warming and environmental pollution concerns have promoted dramatic integrations of renewable energy sources all over the world. Associated with benefits of environmental conservation, essentially uncertain and variable characteristics of such energy resources significantly challenge the operation of power systems. In order to implement reliable and economical operations, a robust energy and reserve dispatch (RERD) model is proposed in this paper, in which the operating decisions are divided into pre-dispatch and re-dispatch.
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Performance Degradation of Levee-Protected Electric Power Network Due to Flooding in a Changing Climate

This paper presents a methodological framework to evaluate the resilience, with the primary focus on performance degradation, of levee-protected electric power networks to flooding in a changing climate. To this end, a multi-disciplinary framework is established by integrating climate science, hydrology, and electric power network analysis. The framework quantifies the effect of climate change on flood hazard levels in a levee-protected area and the subsequent changes in the resilience of the electric power network.
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