Latin American Energy Markets: Investment Opportunities in Nonconventional Renewables
Latin America is very rich from the point of view of its varied energy resources, with an abundance of hydroelectric generation and large reserves of fossil fuels. At present, although there is a general awareness of climate change issues associated with fossil fuel use, the facts show that economic needs over the short and medium terms are the engine of technology change.
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Harnessing the Full Potential of Clean Energy: The Role of Southern California’s Utility Distributed Energy Resource Pilots
California is committed to achieving carbon neutrality to reduce the threat of climate change by 2045. This will require deep decarbonization across all economic sectors and necessitate rigorous planning to keep energy safe, reliable, and affordable. Southern California Edison (SCE), a utility that delivers electricity to 15 million people across southern, central, and coastal California, undertook an in-depth analysis to identify a feasible and economical path to realizing California’s greenhouse gas reduction goals and achieve carbon neutrality at the lowest reasonable cost by 2045.
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On the Trade-Off Between Environmental and Economic Objectives in Community Energy Storage Operational Optimization
The need to limit climate change has led to policies that aim for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Often, a trade-off exists between reducing emissions and associated costs. In this article, a multi-objective optimization framework is proposed to determine this trade-off when operating a Community Energy Storage (CES) system in a neighborhood with high shares of photovoltaic (PV) electricity generation capacity.
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Optimal Carbon Taxes for Emissions Targets in the Electricity Sector
The most dangerous effects of anthropogenic climate change can be mitigated by using emissions taxes or other regulatory interventions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This paper takes a regulatory viewpoint and describes the Weighted Sum Bisection method to determine the lowest emission tax rate that can reduce the anticipated emissions of the power sector below a prescribed, regulatorily-defined target. This bilevel method accounts for a variety of operating conditions via stochastic programming and remains computationally tractable for realistically large planning test systems, even when binary commitment decisions and multiperiod constraints on conventional generators are considered.
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Electrification in the United Kingdom: A Case Study Based on Future Energy Scenarios
For the United Kingdom, one of the main drivers for a green ambition is the Climate Change Act of 2008. This forms the basis for the country’s approach to responding to climate change and legally commits the U.K. government to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. This level of commitment to reducing emissions was further confirmed in the Paris Agreement, the aim of which is to hold the increase in global average temperature to well below 2 °C above preindustrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit warming to 1.5 °C.
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