The Green Impact: How Renewable Sources Are Changing EU Electricity Prices

The European Union (EU) energy policy focuses on achieving a balance between three main pillars: increase the security of supply, reduce the impact of climate change, and improve economic competitiveness. To accomplish these objectives, the EU has been creating competitive conditions that internalize environmental externalities, and it has also actively promoted renewable energy.
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Communication Is Key: How to Discuss Energy and Environmental Issues with Consumers

Scientists are now more certain than ever that humans are responsible for climate change through the combustion of fossil fuels. A recent Global Energy Assessment report, compiled by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, indicates that, globally, domestic energy consumption accounts for about a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions. A fundamental shift in energy consumption is needed, moving away from the use of fossil fuels to meet emission reduction targets.
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IoT-Enabled Humans in the Loop for Energy Management Systems: Promoting Building Occupants’ Participation in Optimizing Energy Consumption

The governments of various countries continue to be alarmed by the adverse environmental impact of fossil energy, which could result in additional pollution, polar glaciers further melting, and intensified natural disasters. Around the world, the consumption of fossil energy is a socioeconomic and sociopolitical calamity. However, remedies in such circumstances depend, to a great extent, on the availability of cleaner energy resources and governmental policies on energy pricing, consumption, and conservation. Consequently, corrective countermeasures and effective policies are essential to cope with energy production and consumption.
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