PES PES Day ’22 Panel Session: Climate Change Awareness
PES Day panel on Climate Change Awareness Conference Panel Video
Impact of Climate Change on the Power Grid
This super session is comprised of the folllowing presentations: Decarbonization and the Grid of the Future, Marginal Emission Rates: The needed metric of carbon displacement in an increasingly electrified world, Research needs for grid to adapt t and mitigate climate change, Integrating Massive amounts of Variable Renewable Energy into Power Grids, How Utility Companies Manage Wildfire Risk, Integrating Climate Impacts and Resiliency Research for the Electric Power System, Climate Change, Reliability and Energy Efficiency, Climate Change, Extreme Weather and the Evolving Grid: Separating Facts, Myths and Speculation, Scalable Markets for the Energy Transition: A Blueprint for Wholesale Electricity Market Reform.
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The Role of Grid Technologies in Responding to Climate Change
Effectively integrating clean energy technologies is a necessary element of the strategy to mitigate and adapt to the realities of climate change. Grid technologies that enable the wide-scale adoption of zero-emission generation, as well as electrified use-cases for transportation to manufacturing are helping drive policy discussions and decisions across the world. This panel will explore case studies and examples of how power systems technologies, from microgrids to market mechanisms, are helping not only directly reduce the carbon footprint of communities and support the resiliency of the grid and those who rely upon it, but are also encouraging a larger conversation about the role of grid technologies in promoting sustainability and resiliency equitably.
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Late Breaking News 2015 IEEE PES General Meeting
This super-session discusses latest news related to resilience and reliability in the context of energy solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
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Grid Technologies Driving Responses to Climate Change
This panel looks at how advanced grid technologies, from DERMS to microgrids to HVDC, are enabling clean energy resources that are helping to mitigate and adapt to climate change. It will talk about case studies of how such solutions have been deployed in the past, emerging best practices, and future directions to accomplish the clean energy transition.
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International (IRENA, USEA, USAID) – Climate Change and Energy Access Issues
Abstract: This panel will discuss how smart technologies, along with smaller scale distributed generation (“DG”), are being coupled with innovative policies and business models in addressing energy access globally.
Power Grid Resilience Under Climate Change
The frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events (e.g., hurricanes, wildfires, and floods) has been significantly increasing. These events have severely impacted power systems ranging from long outage times to economic losses to major equipment (e.g., substations, transmission lines, and power plants) destructions. This calls for assessing the impact of extreme weather events on Bulk Electric System, utilities and distribution systems to improve grid resilience against such events. This panel addresses the impacts of climate change on power grid resilience.
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The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Face of the Changing Global Climate
To meet the demand for the resources needed to sustain this population increase, it is estimated that food production will have to increase by 60%, energy consumption by 80% and water needs by 55% worldwide.
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The Role of Demand Response in Climate Change Technology Options
This panel discusses the potential role of demand response in climate change technology options. Less consumption results in direct energy savings and carbon emission. Choosing the right time to consume the right amount electricity may increase system efficiency, reduce emission, improve system reliability, and result in a more economical operation. In addition, recent studies show that demand response programs can help integrate more intermittent renewable resources into the power grid by coping with the generation variations. The panelists are expected to discuss technical requirements and market potentials of different demand response applications and to what extent they can contribute to emission reduction and renewable integration.
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