IEEE PES High Performing Chapter Program (HPCP)
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The High-Performing Chapter Program is an optional program that PES Chapters can opt-in to potentially receive up to $1000 in additional chapter funding every year. As part of the Annual Reporting Process, each PES Chapter should submit one annual report summary on their chapter activities. Each chapter has the option to opt-in to the High Performing Chapter Program while filling out the annual report. Once opted-in the chapter will be asked for a few more details on their chapter activities. As a tangible way to recognize active and high-performing chapters, PES reviews each opted-in annual report and awards HPCP funding based on the level of chapter activity. Each PES Chapter that meets the defined performance requirements will be eligible to receive funding. The HPCP funding will be awarded yearly with a maximum of US$1000 and a minimum of US$200. These funds are to be used to support the cost of operation of its chapter.
Award Details
To recognize high-performing PES chapters by means of performance-based funding. This optional and opt-in funding program is intended to support the cost of operations for PES Chapter Activities. HPCP is evaluated annually during the PES Chapter Annual Reporting process.
Any active PES chapter is eligible to apply for the High Performing Chapter Program (HPCP).Prize:
- Timely updates of chapter leadership contact data using an email mechanism
Chapters must provide updated address and email information for its officers within a few weeks of any change. Please provide updates via IEEE vTools Officer Reporting ( Additionally, please inform the appropriate PES Regional Representative, Chapters Representative and the IEEE section secretary.This will be measured by determining if this information has been communicated to the Regional Representative and Chapters Representative throughout the year in a timely basis. For chapters whose officers change at year-end, the final update should be received no later than January 31 of next year. - Hold a minimum of four (4) technical or professional meetings per year
Chapter must hold four technical or professional meetings during the calendar year. (Should a chapter hold more meetings, the chapter will receive extra points per meeting as discussed below.) At least three of the four meetings must be meetings where an IEEE L-31 form is submitted. Social, planning or administrative meetings do not count towards the four meeting requirement. This requirement will be measured by examining the report referred to in item 2(c) below to make certain there has been a minimum of four meetings held. - Utilize the Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award
The chapter must have a defined program to recognize outstanding contributions/support by its members. This could, for example, be met by awarding the Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award (COEA) to a member of its chapter during the year. It could also be met by the chapter by including in the report it provides to the Regional Representative and the Chapters Representative a description of the program that it has in place, the recognition that it has considered and the actions taken.This will be measured by using the records of the PES Chapters Awards Committee to determine if a request for a plaque for the COEA has been made by the chapter prior to January 31st. The request must be made to the chair of the PES Awards Committee with a copy to the Regional Representative and the Chapters Representative. - Updated Chapter Website
The chapter must maintain an active PES chapter’s web page/site. The web page/site must include, at a minimum:- A complete list of chapter officers including email addresses
- Information on programmed activities including date, time and location of activity, details on the activity and the speaker.
- Details of past activities.
- Date of last update.
- A webmaster or other contact
- Submit Annual Report of Chapter Activities
Chapter must complete and submit the PES Chapters Annual Report. The online submittal must be completed by the associated deadline, which is typically end of January for the preceding year. - Young Professionals
Demonstrate a chapter program that is focused on increasing the number of young professionals engaged in PES activities. This could include awarding a chapter developed outstanding YP member award at the chapter level or adding a YP member to the chapter’s Executive Committee or other steps to increase PES YP membership. - Women in Power Program
Demonstrate a chapter WIP (Women in Power) program that is focused on the PES WIP/IEEE WIE mission to inspire, engage, encourage, and empower women within the chapter. Examples include increasing the participation of women PES members in the various chapter activities, chapter committees, and chapter activities to promote WIP. - Membership Growth / Retention Program
Demonstrate a chapter membership Growth / Retention program geared to increase the membership of the chapter. The program should include a plan and a set of actions to achieve chapter membership growth (or retention). - Membership Advancement Program
Demonstrate a program to promote and achieve membership grade advancement (Sr. members, Fellow nominations). Provide details of the programs and statistics on number of advancement nominations / successes. - Membership Recognition Activities
Demonstrate activities to recognize the accomplishments of chapter members. This will be activities or events that include recognition events (local recognitions, speaker recognition, award dinners) This also includes any nominations for any IEEE or PES awards. Note: This section will award funding for recognition activities beyond the use of the Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award (which is one of the minimum requirements for the HPCP). - Student Activities
Demonstrate chapter support of student–related activities and development. This includes demonstrated activities with respect to IEEE Student Chapters at the college level and/or with students in grades K-12 (or equivalent). - Chapter Educational Activities
Demonstrate chapter support of chapter-sponsored educational activities. An educational activity is defined as a program which offers at least one tutorial, short course, lecture series, or other activity directly related to the education of its members. This can include technical, professional, business, project management, or other topics of interest to the chapter’s membership. Note: This section is not for student activities. - Conference Activities
Demonstrate the chapter’s support of PES conferences such as GM, T&D, Grid Edge, Joint Technical, ISGT, etc. Local conferences may also be reported if they significantly support PE subjects (credit is not given for IAS, PELS etc. conference activity). - Other Activities
Details on other chapter activities not listed here may be provided and may be considered for funding.
- Items a-e above are the minimum requirements and must be met to receive any funding. The following are additional activities that will earn additional funding.
Scoring and Fund Allocation
- Items a, b, c, d and e must be met and are defined as the minimum requirements. A chapter that does not meet these five (5) requirements will not be eligible for funding. A score of 40 points will be associated with meeting these minimum requirements.
- Additional points will be given for item b (five (5) points per additional technical meeting for two more (2) meetings, up to a maximum of 10 additional points).
- Items h, k, and l may earn up to 9 points each based on the quality and quantity of the activities.
- Items f, g, i, j and m may earn up to 5 points each based on the quality and quantity of the activities.
- A maximum of 100 points may be earned (40 for minimum requirements; 10 for additional meetings and up to 50 points for items f-n). The funding award for each chapter will be $10 per point up to a maximum of $1000.
- Chapter must submit the Combined Annual Report / High Performing Chapter Program form by the deadline to be eligible for funding. All scoring is based upon the details provided in this form. Verification of details may be required.
- An approved chapter-related banking account (with details of this account provided on the HPCP form) must exist to receive funding.
For joint chapters (such as joint IAS PELS and PES), the PES Chapters organization reserve the right to coordinate their support programs in the event that a single chapter requests multiple grants from multiple societies.
In Summary — Plan To Earn Funding Now
In summary, a chapter interested in receiving funding should:
- Keep its Chapter Representative and Region Representative informed of the chapter officers and their mailing and email addresses on a timely basis.
- Establish and maintain a functional website for the chapter.
- Plan to hold at least four technical or professional meetings.
- Utilize the Chapter Outstanding Engineer Award program.
- Complete and submit the IEEE PES Chapter Annual Report.
Chapters are encouraged to earn a larger award by holding additional meetings or activities as outlined in sections f through n.
Any questions, contact the Chapters Awards and Resources chair at or your Chapters Representative.