C.Y. Chung

Candidate Statement

Chi Yung Chung

As we tackle climate change through decarbonization of power and energy systems, our industry faces significant challenges and opportunities. PES stands at the forefront of innovation and progress, leading the way in cutting-edge technologies.

I am eager to outline my goals for PES: fostering global collaboration, innovation, and inclusion. These target a sustainable, reliable, and equitable energy future with special attention to boosting the role of Women in Engineering and underprivileged regions.

My vision leverages PES’s strengths to lead the global transition towards decarbonization, digitalization, and decentralization of power and energy systems. I propose a five-step plan: establishing stronger local partnerships, internationalizing PES through diverse connections, developing targeted marketing and outreach, boosting region- and minority-tailored membership development, and enhancing member support. I am committed to working with PES members to achieve these goals, ensuring PES remains a vital resource worldwide.

I bring extensive experience based on numerous IEEE and PES leadership positions and collaborations with renowned institutions. I am deeply motivated to serve as PES President and partner with the organization to achieve its mission.


Prof. C.Y. Chung is the Head of Department and Chair Professor of Power Systems Engineering in the Department of Electrical Engineering at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU). He received his B.Eng. (with First Class Honors) and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from HKPolyU. He has worked in Canada for the University of Saskatchewan; Powertech Labs, Inc.; and the University of Alberta. His research interests include smart grid, micro grid, and renewable energy. His research work not only generated three US patents and over 300 publications, but also resulted in successful transference of three new commercial software packages developed for power system analysis. He has provided consultancy services to both government agencies and well-known private companies. He has also served as an editor for nine international power and energy systems journals. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, CAE, EIC, IET, HKIE, and AAIA.


I have served the IEEE PES in various leadership positions. I am an IEEE Fellow and recipient of the 2021 IEEE Canada P. Ziogas Electric Power Award. I also led the IEEE PES Hong Kong Chapter to receive the 2008 IEEE PES Outstanding Small Chapter and IEEE IAS Outstanding Small Joint Chapter awards in the capacity of Chapter Chair. Some of my IEEE and PES activities are highlighted below.


  • Governing Board Member-at-large (Global Outreach) (2016-2018).
  • Governing Board Member-at-large (Smart Grid) (2015).
  • Long Range Plan Subcommittee Member (Future directions) (2016-2018).
  • Distinguished Lecturer (2016-present).
  • Fellows Nomination Resource Committee Member (2023-present).
  • Fellows Evaluation Committee Member (2019-2021).
  • Region 10 North Chapter Representative (2014-2015).
  • IEEE Hong Kong Joint Chapter of PES/IAS/PELS/IES: Chair (2007-2009); Vice-Chair (2006); Honorary Treasurer (2004-2005); and Honorary Secretary (2002-2003).
  • Counselor of the IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter at the University of Saskatchewan (2018-2022).


  • IEEE Canada Conference Advisory Committee (2016-2017).
  • IEEE Hong Kong Section: Chair (2011); Chair-elect (2010); Honorary Secretary (2009); and Executive Committee Member (2007-2008).

IEEE Transactions

  • IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy: Consulting Editor (2022-present); Associate Editor (2014-2020); and Guest Editor (2015) for Special Section on “Integration of Electrochemical Energy Storage in Sustainable Energy Systems”.
  • IEEE Transactions on Power Systems: Senior Editor (2020-2022); and Associate Editor (2017-2019).
  • IEEE PES Letters: Associate Editor (2017-present).

IEEE International Conferences

  • General Chair, IEEE EPEC (2017).
  • Chair, IEEE PES APPEEC (2014).
  • Co-Chair, IEEE TENCON (2015).
  • Co-Chair, IEEE PES APPEEC (2013).
  • Co-Chair, IEEE ICHQP (2012).
  • Technical Program Co-Chair, IEEE SmartGridComm (2023).
  • Honorary Secretary, IEEE IAS Annual Meeting (2005).
  • Honorary Secretary, IEEE DRPT (2004).

IEEE PES Committees

  • IEEE PES Power System Dynamic Performance (PSDP) Committee: Technical Committee Program Chair (2022); and Member (2016-present).
  • IEEE PES Prabha S. Kundur Power System Dynamics and Control Award Committee: Member (2015-2019).