Claudio Cañizares
Home / About PES / 2023 Governing Board / Claudio Cañizares
Candidate Statement

I have unique experiences and broad knowledge of the PES and IEEE, given my multiple successful activities and leadership positions in my 37 years of active member and volunteer. Based on my open and transparent approach as PES leader, witnessed by many members and volunteers with whom I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating, and on my recent experience as IEEE Division Director, I believe that I can provide the required stewardship of the PES to properly serve its broad academic, industry, and world-wide membership.
I appreciate President Jessica Bian’s inclusive, transparent, and generous leadership style, and thus, if honored by being elected PES President, I plan to follow a similar approach. Furthermore, besides facilitating and supporting all the great ongoing work by PES members and volunteers, I’ll focus on enhancing the impact and relevance of PES to the world’s Net-Zero future for which the power grid will be the backbone, as well as increasing the growing PES relevance and leadership role within the IEEE, properly reflecting its size, for which I’ve been pushing as Director.
I have been at the University of Waterloo since 1993, where I am a University Professor, Hydro One Chair, and WISE Executive Director. My highly-cited research with industry and government partners has focused on relevant and practical aspects of power and energy systems in the context of markets and grid-edge technologies like microgrids. I am the IEEE Trans. Smart Gird EIC; IEEE Division VII Director; a Fellow of the IEEE, Royal Society of Canada, and Canadian Academy of Engineering; and has received multiple awards and recognitions from Waterloo and the PES.
I have been a very active member of PES since 1986, contributing significant to its technical activities and holding technical leadership positions in multiple committees, WGs and TFs. I now play a leadership role in the PES and the IEEE as an active member of the PES GB and ExcCom, IEEE TAB and BOD, and several associated committees.
I have held 52 PES and IEEE membership and leadership positions, in particular:
- Member, TAB N&A Committee, 2023-2024.
- Member, Fellow Committee Strategic Advisory Working Group, 2023.
- Director and Director-Elect, Division VII, 2021-2023.
- Member, Ad Hoc Committee to Coordinate ’s Response to Climate Change, 2022-2023.
- Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Fellows Processes, 2022.
- Editor in Chief, Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020-today.
- Chair, Electrification Magazine Steering Committee, 2019-today.
- Past-Chair, Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary, Power System Dynamic Performance Committee, 2013-2020.
- Chair, Task Force “Microgrid Dynamic Modeling,” Power System Stability Subcommittee, 2018-today.
- Editor and Lead, Smart Grid Technical Activities Committee’s white paper “Microgrids: Utility Challenges and Opportunities,” 2018-2022.
- Editor in Chief, Proceedings Special Issue “Electricity for All: Access to Electricity Issues and Solutions for Energy-disadvantaged Communities,” 2018-2019.
- Technical Program Chair, ISGT Latin America, 2016-2017.
- Member, Editorial Board of the Proceedings of the IEEE, 2016-2021.
- Co-Chair, Task Force “Microgrid Stability Analysis and Modeling,” Power System Stability Subcommittee, 2014-2018.
- Chair, Task Force “Microgrid Control,” Power System Stability Controls Subcommittee, 2010-2014.
- Chair and Secretary, Power Systems Stability Controls Subcommittee, 2006-2011.
- Fellow (2007), Senior Member (2000), Member (1991), and Student Member (1986).
- Chair, Task Force “Impact of Industry Restructuring on System Dynamic Performance,” Power System Stability Subcommittee, 2005-2010.
- Chair, Voltage Stability Focus Group of the Power System Stability Subcommittee, 1997-2002.
- Secretary, Voltage Stability and Long-Term Stability Working Group, 1994-1997.
I have received 20 IEEE-PES awards and recognitions, in particular:
- Best Paper Award, 2022
- Technical Council Outstanding Technical Report Award, 2020
- Technical Committee Service Award, 2019
- Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award, 2017
- Technical Committee Distinguished Service Award, 2017
- IEEE Canada Electric Power Medal, 2016
- PowerTech Best Student Paper Award, 2015
- IEEE Fellow, 2007
- Technical Council Outstanding Technical Report Award, 2005